We are all afraid of something.Some people are afraid of their bosses, others are horrified by the very idea of public speaking. Still others can't stand dentists at all. In this case, it is a normal reaction of our body to what is happening around us. But there is also a separate category of people who experience panic attacks constantly, with or without reason. And such a pathology is already considered abnormal. And if you do not pay attention to the appearance of the first signs of the disease in time, do not take all the necessary steps to eliminate it, in the future it can end in schizophrenia, prolonged depression, etc.
Panic Attacks: What is it?
Panic attacks are seriousa psychological disorder that results in spontaneous fear, anxiety, and apathy in the affected person. These feelings are uncontrollable. During an attack, the patient experiences shortness of breath, the heart begins to beat rapidly, breathing quickens, and there is a lack of air. Sometimes all this is accompanied by chest pain, as in a heart attack, as well as colic in the abdomen. Panic attacks can occur at any time, and it is not necessary that something will pose a danger to the life of this person. Anything can provoke a deterioration in the condition: a loud noise, bright light, a sharp sound. For example, you are riding a bus whose brakes squeal. The next time the driver tries to slow down, you hear an unpleasant squeal. This will be enough. The most interesting thing is that both men and women face this form of fear in equal shares, regardless of their position in society, job title, or whether they have a family. As for the age range, it is 19-45 years. Some experience it at least once a day, others - once a month. And then, the impetus must be serious - stress, fatigue, etc. Please note: if you increasingly encounter panic attacks, undergo a full medical examination, take tests. The fact is that constant fear can be a symptom of a more serious and dangerous disease. Often, a person experiences emotional instability with problems with the central nervous system, depression, alcoholism, etc. What happens if the patient does not want to be treated? Over time, he will develop phobias. Among them, the most common fears are: fear of open or closed spaces (agoraphobia and claustrophobia). At the same time, a person begins to panic when a certain number of people gather, and when going outside, and in an elevator (depending on the phobia).
What to do when panic attacks on the street
Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to behave insituations like this, when fear rolls over you like a snowball, forcing you to swallow air, which, as luck would have it, is lacking at the moment. People around you, when they see a person panicking and cowering in horror, try to either pass by, as if they were a leper, or take a picture on their mobile phone. And what, friends will then laugh at the "freak" who could not cross the road normally, get into the elevator, and so on down the list. And only those whose relatives suffer from constant panic attacks will offer first aid. How can you cope if panic attacks overtake you or your loved ones on the street? There are several folk methods on how to overcome this trouble and not fall flat on your face. The main thing is not to give up, plus, screaming and hysteria will not help here. And start acting immediately, until the condition worsens.
- Begin to breathe properly
When the first signs of panic attacks appearthe patient must relax to restore breathing. Stop, straighten up, lean against the wall of the house, tree trunk, bench, then take a deep breath. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds, then slowly exhale. Try to inhale not with your lungs, but with your stomach - this way you will be able to cope with suffocation faster. Repeat everything until you feel better. If you cannot calm down and normalize your breathing, use a regular paper bag. As in the previous case, first take a deep breath, wait 10-15 seconds, exhale. Make sure that there are no crumbs or small objects in the bag that can get into the nasopharynx.
- We put in a safe place
A person who has experienced an attack should be immediatelytake him to a place where he will feel comfortable and safe. If you are far from home, go to the first place you come across (cafe, hospital, bus stop), sit the patient down and wait until he feels better.
- Let's take a liquid
When the person has completely calmed down, you cangive him herbal tea to drink. Melissa and mint are also excellent; simply pour boiling water over them, let them brew for a couple of minutes, and then dilute with water. As a last resort, give the patient mineral water, but without gas.
Treatment of panic attacks at home
If panic attacks haunt you constantly,you can try to get rid of them with folk remedies. But remember that you can treat yourself and your loved ones only in cases where the disease does not pose a particular threat. That is, if after an attack you are not taken away by an ambulance team. Herbal infusions and decoctions In this case, herbal treatment is perhaps the simplest and safest method, which our mothers and grandmothers resorted to. To get rid of panic attacks, use pharmacy collections consisting of soothing herbs. The main advantage is that these folk remedies can be used both separately and in combination, combining decoctions and drugs. If you are undergoing treatment with a psychotherapist, be sure to warn the doctor that you are additionally taking herbs.
- Mint, three-leaved watch, hops and valerian
In an enamel or iron pan, mixpeppermint and bogbean (in a 1:1 ratio). Add hop cones and valerian roots (½ of the total weight). Mix everything, then pour boiling water (0.5 l). Let the resulting remedy sit for half an hour. Please note: the water should be filtered or mineral, not tap water. For the treatment to be beneficial, drink the decoction 100 g twice a day. Do not take breaks, otherwise there will be no benefit. After you get rid of such panic attacks and fear attacks, drink this remedy for a week at least once every six months for prevention purposes.
- Linden
For 1 tbsp of linden flowers take a glass of boiling water.Pour in, wait for 10-15 minutes until the decoction brews, then drink like regular tea. Only add honey instead of sugar. It is not recommended to carry out treatment in case of individual intolerance, in case of stomach problems.
- Honey mix
For people who can't control theiremotions, it is recommended to carry out treatment with honey tincture. To prepare it, you will need a glass of dill seeds and a couple of tablespoons of valerian root. Pour boiling water over the resulting mixture, pour it into a thermos and leave for a day. In extreme cases, you can use a plastic or glass bottle wrapped in polyethylene and a towel. The next day, add honey to the tincture (2 glasses). Be careful when choosing the product. It should be fresh and natural, not candied or hand-made. Stir the liquid thoroughly so that everything dissolves. Well, you can begin treatment. You will have to take this remedy three times a day, 1 tablespoon at a time. Preferably on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner. To prevent the honey mixture from spoiling, store it in a dry, cool place. This can be a pantry or a refrigerator. If after some time you notice any changes in color, smell or taste, throw it away immediately and prepare a new one. It is better not to use spoiled medicine.
- Cumin, valerian and chamomile
1/5 cup of cumin seeds mixed with 1/3chamomile flowers and ½ valerian root. Mix everything thoroughly and place in a jar or paper box. When you need to make a decoction, put 2 tbsp of the mixture in a teapot and pour boiling water into it. After 30 minutes, the infusion can be consumed. It is recommended to drink it every day - morning and evening. If treatment with folk remedies is carried out at the initial stages of the disease, you can take 80-100 grams at a time.
- Hawthorn, cucumber and motherwort
First prepare a collection - take two teaspoonsуказанных соцветьев и трав, затем добавляют туда чайную ложку ромашки (при желании). Все это заливается 200 мл кипятка, настаивается 8 часов. После того, как средство будет приготовлено, процеживаете его сквозь марлю, сложенную в несколько слоев. Пить по ½ стакана ежедневно (по 3 раза в сутки). При возможности, носите эту настойку с собой. Можете использовать либо пол-литровую бутылку из-под минералки, либо фляжку. И когда в следующий раз почувствуете наступление паники, страха, сразу же пейте жидкость. Она поможет справиться с первыми признаками данного заболевания: с удушьем, тошнотой и головокружением. Оказав своевременное лечение, вы избежите печальных последствий. Ванны с травами: успокаиваемся и расслабляемся О том, что после приема ванны люди чувствуют себя так, словно вновь на свет родились, представительницы прекрасного пола знают не понаслышке. Какая красотка не любит понежиться в теплой водице, особенно если в нее добавлены ароматические масла, пенки и травяные смеси. Это одновременно и бодрит, и успокаивает, и дарит неземное наслаждение. И даже если вы не хотите лечиться народными средствами, а доверяете только медицине, вряд ли откажите себе в таком удовольствии. Итак, в данном случае лечение будет проводиться при помощи розмарина, липы и полыни. Все перечисленное можно с легкостью приобрести в ближайшей аптеке. Трав понадобится много – целый килограмм. Заливаем все это тремя литрами кипятка, варим минут 7-8. Еще 5 минут отвар настаивается под крышкой. Чтобы потом не счищать с себя листья, процеживаем полученную жидкость через сито или марлю. После того, как вы избавитесь от мусора, вылейте ее в ванную и разбавьте водой. Обратите внимание: лечение травами рекомендуется проводить перед сном, когда вам потом никуда не придется идти. Лежать в теплой водице придется около получаса, поэтому захватите с собой журнал или интересную книгу. Вдобавок ко всему, можете зажечь благовония, свечи, включить тихую и спокойную музыку. Кстати, раз в месяц можно принимать хвойные ванны. Вы можете залить кипятком пару шишек или небольшую еловую веточку, настоять пару минут, затем разбавить отвар обычной водой. Если у вас нет возможности достать растение, чтобы провести лечение, можно купить уже готовый порошок в аптеке. Действовать следует так, как указано в прилагающейся к нему инструкции. Медитация: познайте самого себя Следует сразу обозначить, что моментального и сиюминутного результата вы вряд ли получите. Пройдет не один месяц, прежде чем лечение принесет плоды, а вы научитесь справляться со страхом и проявлением панических атак при помощи медитации. Главное – делать все правильно. Чтобы научиться отключаться от проблем, не обращать внимания на то, что провоцирует появление паники, вы должны хотя бы несколько раз посетить специальные занятия. Обычно тренируются небольшими группами – не более 10 человек в каждой. Там вам покажут, как правильно дышать, какие позы лучше принимать. Плюс, если вы начнете делать что-то не так, вам укажут на ошибки и помогут их исправить. Но помните, что преподавать может только тот человек, который получил соответствующее образование. Поэтому не забывайте предварительно попросить показать вам все документы, которые подтвердят профессионализм мастера.
Doing and watching ourselves
First, you will need to get rid of everythingbad habits: smoking, excessive alcohol consumption. Maybe at first a cigarette or a couple of glasses of cognac calmed you down, but the longer you indulge in it, the worse it is for your health. Nicotine and alcohol have a negative effect on the central nervous system, plus, you become dependent. No booze - panic attacks begin. By the way, the same applies to coffee. Nowadays, there are a lot of people addicted to this drink. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with that. But the caffeine contained in it invigorates us too much. As a result - increased excitability, activity, aggressiveness, bad mood. Of course, in this case everything depends on what kind of drink you drink (natural or instant), as well as its quantity. Agree, nothing will happen from one cup. But if this is already the tenth - expect trouble. Secondly, go in for sports. It is desirable that the training takes place outdoors. This can be cycling, rollerblading, running. And don't forget to walk in the fresh air for at least half an hour every evening. This way you'll sleep better and gain peace of mind. And thirdly, start eating properly and in a balanced way. You must admit that people who are always on diets and eat only in the morning are much more likely to experience emotional instability. Therefore, be sure to eat vegetables, fruits, drink juices. And at least occasionally indulge yourself with sweets.
When to go to the hospital
In our country it is so accepted that we addressYou should seek help from a specialist only in cases where the disease is already advanced. In fact, self-medication without first visiting a psychiatrist means harming your health. Therefore, if you have ever experienced panic attacks, go for examinations. After all, the sooner you start treatment, the faster you will get rid of obsessive thoughts.