Contents of the ornament

The homeland of these fish is South America.They live in large rivers with a weak current. In nature, their size can reach 7 cm, but in aquariums - only 5 cm. Life expectancy under decent conditions is 5 years. The standard coloring is as follows: a transparent body, reddish fins, a black spot with an edge on the dorsal fin.ornamentOrnatus is a cute aquarium inhabitantPhoto: GettyThe main rule in keeping: all conditions must be stable. These fish do not tolerate sudden changes in water temperature or other parameters. Here are the main recommendations for keeping and caring for them:

  • Keep fish of this species should be flocks only. In nature, they live in groups of an average of 50 individuals, in an aquarium there will be enough 6 individuals. Do not think that they will always stick together. These fish are flocked to the flock only if necessary.
  • For a pack of 6 individuals, an aquarium of 60 liters is suitable.
  • Fishes, on the one hand, love transparent water, but on the other hand, they do not tolerate fast flow, so you have to approach carefully the choice of the filter. It is better to put a flute or reduce the flow of water.
  • The aquarium should not be exposed to direct sunlight. In nature, fish live in shaded places, so lighting should be appropriate.
  • Along the edges of the aquarium should be densely planted with algae, and in the center to leave enough room for swimming.
  • As a primer, use river sand. At the bottom of the aquarium you can lay out ordinary fallen leaves.
  • The water temperature should not exceed 23-28 degrees.

The food needs quality and in large quantities. Feed them 2-3 times a day. Preferably choose a live food, but if this is not possible, you can give a quality artificial.

Compatibility of the ornament with other fish

These are calm and peaceful fish.They should not be kept with aggressive or overly active fish. Ideal neighbors for this type of fish are tetras, acanthophthalmus, marble gourami, and ancistrus. It is important to have plenty of food and space if you want to keep different types of fish. Then the ornatus will not need to fight for territory or food. Before getting an ornatus, think about whether you can create stable conditions for it. If you can, this fish will delight your eyes for 5 years. Continue reading

