The content of parrot cichlids
Fish are unpretentious, so they can be kept even by novice aquarists. Parrots can easily spawn and give offspring even in a common aquarium.Cichlida parrot - funny and mobile fish Photo: Getty The minimum volume of the aquarium is 100 liters. In this capacity can accommodate 10-12 individuals in their teens. It is necessary to create a current with the help of a pump, since in their native environment the fish live in flowing waters. The optimum temperature of the habitat is 24-27 ° C. Water hardness is 8-15 °. Every week you need to change half the water. Lighting should be moderate. In the aquarium you need to create a lot of shelter from stones, snags and pots. At the bottom it is better to pour sand or small gravel. Fish like to dig and break ground, but the plants from this almost do not suffer. The aquarium should always be covered, since the parrot can jump out of it. The fish is very quick, mobile and active, so you can watch her games and fun for a long time. Parrots are omnivorous, so there are no problems with feeding. Fish eat everything:
- bloodworms;
- tubers;
- daphnia;
- flakes and granules of dry food;
- cucumbers.
Cichlids eat on the bottom, so you need to watch toThe food was not intercepted by other fish. The fry must be fed with artemia, bread crumbs and small shrimps. Parents carefully take care of their offspring. After 5 months, the children acquire the coloring and habits of adults.
Compatibility of parrot cichlids with other fish
Cichlids often contain a common aquarium, but you needtake into account a few points. During spawning, parrots become highly aggressive. Trouble occurs when the aquarium is overpopulated, and the fish do not have enough space. If each individual has enough water and shelter, then conflicts, as a rule, do not arise. Best neighbors:
- Sumatran barbs;
- swordsmen;
- Congo;
- catfish;
- aravan;
- Mollies.
Do not keep parrots with smallshrimps, as cichlids perceive the latter as food. Neighborhood with benthic and veil fishes is also not welcome. Fish quickly get used to the owner, and when he approaches, begin to swarm at the front wall of the aquarium. When properly nursed, fish live at least 10 years, delighting the owner with their games and fun behavior. Read further: