Contents of black telescopes

The black telescope is a kind of goldfish of the Demekin breed. They first brought them to telescopeThe black telescope is a kind of goldenFish. Photo: Getty They need a lot of space. Therefore, the aquarium should be at least 50 liters. In an aquarium with a volume of 150 liters inhabit no more than 4-5 inhabitants. Ensure a good aeration of water. Since fish produce a large amount of waste, take care of the quality filtration. Thanks to it you will provide the water necessary for the content indicators. The acidity of water should be 6-8, and the rigidity of 8-20 degrees. Each week, replace 20% of the water in the aquarium. Fishes are hardy and can live for a long time even at low water temperatures. For soil use pebbles or river sand, in which telescopes like to rummage. Do not place stones with sharp edges to decorate the aquarium. Plant plants with large hard leaves: elodea or sagittaria. Plants with delicate leaves telescopes eat. Eat telescopes little by little. Animal and vegetable food is suitable for food. Feed them twice a day. Control the amount of food: fish easily overeat. The average lifespan of telescopes is 10-15 years. The sexually mature fish become 2 years old. A week before spawning, a couple of telescopes are fed with live food. To fish did not eat their own offspring, they are deposited after fertilization and fertilization. The larvae appear after 2 days. After 5 days, the fry can be fed with live dust, colovirus or yolk. Telescopes are calm and peaceful in nature. Do not sit beside them barbs, gurus and swordsmen. Not suitable for the company and too active fish. They will leave sightless telescopes without food.

Diseases of black telescopes

Telescopes usually suffer from the following diseases:

  • fungi;
  • bacterial infections;
  • parasites;
  • protozoa;
  • injuries;
  • stress.

These diseases are typical for almost allfreshwater tropical fish. If white and gray growths appear on the body, then this is a fungus. Check the water quality in this case. The most common infection is a dropsy. Fish in this case swells and can die without treatment. Telescopes can be inhabited by parasites: anchorworms, flukes, fish louse. In this case, nodules or filaments form on the body of fish. With the defeat of the simplest in fish, the skin becomes turbid. The fish easily injure their eyes, so do not decorate the aquarium with a large number of objects, especially with sharp edges. When eyes are clouding, pay attention to food and water quality. These fish are a real decoration of the aquarium. Create them appropriate conditions so that they will gladden you for a long time. Read more:

