how to feed a cat According to statistics, the cats today arethe most popular pets. And if only recently they performed a utilitarian function (catching mice and rats), now cats are considered to be full members of the family and live next to us just like that, simply because we love them. We, in turn, so humanize cats, that sometimes such an attitude goes to their detriment. So, for example, many owners do not know how to properly feed a cat and limit it to a diet consisting exclusively of prepared feeds. Others do not even bother to buy a special food and treat their pets by eating them themselves. However, domesticated cats continue to be animals, but not anyhow, but predatory. And the centuries-old existence near to the person at all did not affect their requirement for that food to which they are adapted by the nature. Of course, it's up to you to decide what kind of food to regulate your cat-dry food or so-called natural tea. But to know what is useful for a cat, and what is harmful, it is necessary for any owner. In addition, an adult cat (cat), a kitten or a pregnant cat needs to be fed differently. What should be included in the diet of your pet? What is the difference between food for adult cats and small kittens? How to feed a cat waiting for the offspring? Let's figure it out.

General rules of feeding

As we have already said, cats have not lostpredatory instincts and the need for food inherent in this order of mammals. What do cats eat in the wild? What they will get. And the prey of our domestic cats were small mammals, birds, rodents and insects. What is remarkable, both wild and domestic cats eat up their prey whole. So the food of cats is not only meat, but wool, feathers, insides and even small bones. Moreover, the cat, along with its trophy, also eats what is in its stomach. Therefore, berries, cereals, root crops and leaves (herbs) also become food of wild cats. Note that meat (proteins) cat eats raw, and vegetable food (carbohydrates) gets in semi-digested form. That's on the basis of this and it is necessary to calculate the diet of a domestic cat. So, the diet of the domestic cat should include animal and vegetable food, most of which is meat, and additional - cereals and vegetables. However, here there are limitations. For example, beef and poultry are useful for cats, but they do not recommend feeding them with pork. Harmless cereals are oats, buckwheat, barley and rice. Useful vegetables are non-starch roots (beets and carrots), as well as cabbage, zucchini and cucumbers. As for dairy food, cats can only be given lean and unsweetened sour-milk products: kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk. Fresh milk is perfect for feeding a small kitten, and in adult animals it can cause indigestion. If the organism of your cat perfectly absorbs fresh milk, it can also be included in the diet. With regard to food processing, for example, meat and vegetables can be given both raw and cooked, and cereals should be cooked with porridge. But that's something you can not eat a cat, so it's fried meat, and indeed any other fried foods. In general, the list of products that are taboo in the cat's diet is quite extensive. In addition to fried foods, cats should not be given smoked, pickled or salted foods. They also contraindicated spicy food, spices and sweets. Beans (peas, beans, lentils) and potatoes are not absorbed by the cat's organism. You can not feed the cat raw fish and by-products, but in a boiled or steamed form they can be included in the cat's diet. how to feed a cat

Feeding the kittens

Kittens, like human children, needa special diet. First, their digestive system is not yet adapted for eating, suitable for adult animals. Secondly, the growing kitten has completely different needs in the quantity of proteins and carbohydrates. Thirdly, in comparison with adult cats in babies, another metabolism and other peristalsis. Therefore it is very important to feed the kitten with the right food and in the right regime. The diet is the first thing that distinguishes the feeding of a kitten. Some experts generally recommend that the baby should have round-the-clock access to a bowl of food, while others hold an opinion on the ordered nutrition in a certain mode. If you share the first point of view, then everything is simple: make sure that your baby has enough food and water during the day. If you are a supporter of the regime, then observe the system of reusable feeding of the kitten:

  • up to two months of the kitten it is necessary to feed five to six times a day;
  • from two to four months the kitten is fed four times a day;
  • a half-year-old kitten can already be transferred to three meals a day;
  • from the eighth month of life, the kitten begins to feed, like an adult cat, twice a day.

The menu for the kitten also differs from the dietof an adult animal. Do you remember the well-known advertising slogan that the stomach of a kitten is smaller than a thimble? So the first difference in the menu for a baby is the amount of food. Although these animals rarely overeat, even at such a young age. The second condition for proper nutrition is a balanced menu. What to feed the kitten, so as not to harm him and ensure an excellent state of health.

  • Lean meat and chicken. If raw, only frozen or scalded, scraped or twisted in a meat grinder. Kittens aged from three months can be given meat, cut into small pieces. Boiled meat is given to very small kittens in the form of puree or minced meat, older children are cut or cut into fibers.
  • Vegetables in any form. To start the lure is necessary with boiled vegetables, giving them together with meat. Gradually, you can accustom a kitten to raw vegetables.
  • Sea fish is only boneless and only boiled. Do not give meat and fish at the same time. Fish feed the kitten preferably not more than once a day.
  • Cottage cheese is very useful and must be present in the baby's diet. Give the low-fat cottage cheese kittens can and should be daily.
  • Fresh milk and kefir are an obligatory component of nutrition for kittens up to six months. You can give these products several times a day.
  • Eggs and cheese. This, of course, useful products for a growing body, but give them no more than one or two times a week.
  • Grass is an indispensable source of vitamins. And if a kitten has settled in your house, you must plant a special cat grass in the flower pot. The baby himself decides when and how many such vitamins he needs. It is important that he has constant access to the pot with greens.
  • And, of course, fresh water, to which the baby should also have constant access.
  • Feeding a pregnant cat

    If your pet expects kittens, then you needwill take care of her special diet. Note that during the period of bearing the kittens the cat's diet varies depending on the timing of pregnancy - at each stage the future mother has different needs for both the amount of feed and the menu. Already in the first two weeks, the number of meals increases to four times, and the volume of food by 10%. By the way, the amount of food increases not due to the volume of portions, but due to the number of meals. Starting from the third and to the seventh week, the volume of food increases by another 50%. During this period of bearing of kittens it is possible to add also the volume of portions. However, it is important not to overfeed the animal, since it is at this time that the cat can develop obesity, which will adversely affect the health of the mother and the health of the kittens. From the seventh week of pregnancy, your cat will begin to eat less, which is associated with an increase in the size of kittens and increased pressure in the abdominal cavity. From this time until delivery, the portion volume is reduced, but the number of meals is increased. But the cat's complete refusal to eat is a clear sign of the early appearance of small kittens. As for the composition of the menu of the pregnant cat, it needs a high-calorie and rich in minerals and protein food. Veterinarians recommend reducing the amount of carbohydrates in favor of protein foods and in no case increase caloric intake due to fat. What should include the cat's menu that carries kittens? Half of the daily ration is boiled beef. In addition, it is necessary to feed the pregnant cat cottage cheese, kefir, vegetables and cereals. A pregnant cat should also give an egg yolk and boiled chicken meat. Natural foods need to be supplemented with preparations of minerals and vitamins. If your animal is accustomed to ready-made food, then give it a special food for pregnant cats without additional vitamins and minerals. Some owners give cats and fodder for kittens during pregnancy. However, before making this decision, consult a veterinarian. how to feed the kitten properly

    Feeding a castrated cat

    The big problem of owners castratedof animals becomes a risk of development of urolithiasis of cats. That's why the diet of a castrated cat is slightly different from the usual cat's menu. The diet remains the same, but the composition of food should change. Your task is to feed the castrated cat with products with a minimum content of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. And in this case the main condition for proper feeding is the exclusion of fish in any form from the cat's menu. The next thing you need to provide for your pet is a plentiful drink, as castrated animals urinate much less often, which also becomes a risk of urolithiasis. This is especially true for animals transferred to dry food. Therefore, many veterinarians recommend feeding the castrated cat only natural food. If the cat is used to dry food, then try to gradually replace it with damp canned food. And if this does not work, then soak the dry granules in milk or water. Another risk after castration is the development of obesity in a cat. Consequently, the animal can not be overfed and give it fatty food. It is also necessary to pay attention to the calorie content of the products from which food is prepared, or the number of calories indicated on the package with the ready food. Do not be superfluous and there will be weekly unloading days. However, this is useful not only for castrated animals. The teeth and gums of a castrated cat are also at risk. If your cat eats ready-made food, then there is no cause for concern. Such foods contain nutritional supplements for the prevention of dental diseases. And for a castrated cat, eating naturalka, it is useful to include in the diet meat, cut into large pieces. This will also prevent the development of gum disease and teeth. So, natural food for castrated animals should not contain fish. Its main ingredients are lean beef and chicken, cereals, cottage cheese and vegetables. You can also transfer the animal to a combination food and give it natural food and ready-made food.

    Ready-made food and natural food

    Feeding cats so-called naturalkoy,certainly, it is more useful than using canned forages. And although the producers of prepared feeds say that this food is balanced, and you will never get the same balance when feeding cats with natural foods, the benefits of natural food are undeniable. Firstly, it is to natural food that cats are adapted genetically. Secondly, a full-fledged natural food extends the life of domestic cats. Thirdly, such food does not contain artificial additives and preservatives, which are part of any ready-made feed. And fourthly, it's just more delicious. Imagine that your diet will consist exclusively of canned products and biscuits. How do you like this prospect? Think about it before you begin to regulate your cat with dry food, however qualitative and balanced it may be. In order to maintain the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates when feeding natural foods, you only need to remember the proportions: the main part of the diet is meat and dairy products, and the additional part of the ration is cereals and vegetables. Naturally, it is also necessary to prepare natural food by the rules and in no case can not be considered a natural food from your table. If you prefer dry or wet ready forage, then choose from them only the highest quality and well-proven ones. By the way, you can not rely on the preferences of the animal itself, since flavoring additives can cause addiction to dry foods and canned foods. At the same time, the food itself will not differ in quality and balanced composition, and the animal will begin to refuse any other food stubbornly. What kind of food - dry or wet - to give preference? Here there is no definite answer: they are canned food. In this case, it is much more important to purchase premium quality premium foods. And let them be significantly more expensive, but with such dry food you will not provoke the development of urolithiasis, dermatosis or gastritis in your pet. Feed super-premium is also not suitable for daily ration. The fact is that they are intended only for the period of preparation of animals for exhibitions, and their main goal is to improve the appearance of the cat. You can not also feed adult animals (except for pregnant cats) with dry or wet fodder intended for kittens and vice versa. If the food is marked with an age range, then follow the recommendations of the manufacturers. Well, the final decision in favor of natural food or ready-made fodder is for you. After all, it is you who are responsible for those who have tamed. We advise you to read:

