calculation of ovulation Ovulation is the period during whichin which follicles burst in a woman's ovaries and eggs ready for fertilization come out. This process occurs regularly approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Often girls wonder how to calculate the day of ovulation. Why do they need to know this? There may be several reasons. Firstly, knowing when this period comes, you can calculate the days most favorable for conceiving a child. If a woman cannot get pregnant on such days, then she must be examined by a specialist to find out the reason. And some women, on the contrary, calculate the days when the risk of getting pregnant is minimal. Secondly, for some, calculating this period is necessary to calculate favorable days for conceiving a child of a certain sex. Many believe that if sexual intercourse occurs on these days, then male sperm will "get" to the egg faster, since they are more mobile. If you have sex 2-3 days before your period, the egg will be fertilized by a female sperm, as they are more resilient. Thus, knowing when ovulation days occur is useful, and sometimes even necessary. How to calculate ovulation correctly?calculation of the ovulation period

Calculation of the ovulation period

Ovulation occurs on the 14th day aftermenstruation in women with a regular menstrual cycle lasting 28 days. If the menstrual cycle is longer, then you need to divide the number of days by 2. At this time, the egg descends into the uterus and waits for fertilization. If fertilization does not occur, it bursts and comes out with menstruation. Many women do not notice or feel anything during these periods. Women who have painful menstruation feel only pain in the lower abdomen, which is similar to pain during menstruation. But there are still symptoms that are common to all women. These include:

  • The appearance of cervical mucus. On such days, the cervix increases the production of mucus - a substance similar to egg white.
  • Increase in basal body temperature.Basal temperature can be measured with a simple thermometer, but you need to do this only in the morning, without getting out of bed. In favorable conditions for conception, the basal temperature is slightly higher than on normal days. However, this method is not always accurate, since it depends on many external factors that can change the situation
  • Increase sexual desire.This can happen, of course, on normal days, regardless of the menstrual cycle, and can be associated with different aspects of daily life, but the relationship between ovulation and increased sexual desire does exist. As if nature itself is pushing for conception these days.

If you are planning a pregnancy, you shouldremember that the most favorable for conceiving a child are 3 days before ovulation, the day of ovulation itself and the following day, since sperm live in the female body for up to 5 days. It is necessary to regularly mark the day of the onset of menstruation in the calendar. This will also be useful later, when pregnancy occurs, to calculate the date of birth. You should also know that all these calculations are approximate, and abstaining from sex during fertile days does not exclude the risk of unwanted pregnancy.calculation of ovulation with an irregular cycle

Calculation of the period of ovulation with an irregular cycle

If a woman's menstrual cycle isregular, then you can easily calculate the onset of ovulation. If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, then calculating this time will be more difficult. But there is still a way to determine the fertile period. You can learn to identify the symptoms of such a period, and then it will be much easier to predict the time favorable for conception. To calculate this period with an irregular cycle, you need to mark the days of the onset of menstruation and the hormonal changes that occurred on these days in the calendar. The longer you record this data, the easier it will be to understand the rhythm of your body. You can find that, for example, ovulation occurs once every two months or every 45 days. In addition, it is necessary to monitor changes in cervical mucus, which is a good indicator of such a period. Usually, there is no mucus after the menstrual cycle, and as the fertile period approaches, the mucus becomes more abundant. Another method for calculating such a period with an irregular cycle is to measure the basal body temperature. It is necessary to measure the temperature and record the data every day, an increase in temperature will indicate the onset of ovulation. Today, special tests can be purchased at the pharmacy that check for the presence of hormones produced by the body during ovulation. Such tests will help determine these periods. They are especially necessary for women trying to conceive a child. There are two ways to determine the approaching fertile period with 100% probability:

  • A blood test for luteinizing hormone, the level of which increases significantly in the body before ovulation.
  • Ultrasound, during which it is determined not only the size and stage of development of the follicle, but also calculated when the egg leaves it.

Thus, knowing the above methodscalculating the ovulation period, every woman will be able to calculate such a period without much difficulty. It is only necessary to follow the changes occurring in your body a little more closely.

