Showman Nikita Dzhigurda usually puts in the networkOnly his selfi and strange pictures reflecting his mood at the moment. But today for the first time in a long time I decided to make friends and fans happy by publishing an image of the beautiful daughter of Eva-Vlada in Instagram. True, he did it for a reason, but in honor of her seven years.Photo: @instadzhigurda "My natural blonde. My miracle. The Queen of Russia. Eva-Vlada ", - has signed the post of Dzhigurda. And then he added that today he managed to talk with his daughter on the phone, so he is on the seventh heaven of happiness. Eva-Vlad, by the way, as you can see, is not at all like her famous father. And not only outwardly. In the photo, the baby (in contrast to her emotional father) looks very modest, sweet and gentle. Nikita Dzhigurdy, we recall, has four children: Eva-Vlada and Mik-Angel-Christ from Marina Anisina, with whom he recently divorced (for more details, see HERE) , as well as 8-year-old Ilya-Maximilian and 14-year-old Artemy-Dobrovlad from the first civic wife of Yana Pavelkovskaya.

