- I have three children, the eldest son, Artem, already18, average, Nikita is 10 years old, and the youngest, Maxim, is almost 9. I am a fair and loving mother. There is no conflict, I can agree with the children. How? The only secret is probably to be around. It's nice that my sons are asking me for advice. They do not say: “I will do it like this,” but they ask: “Mom, what do you think?” They trust this is the most valuable thing.A photo: from the personal archive, Artem was not jealous when Nikita appeared. He was eight, and he gladly became a big brother. But the one-year-old Nikita was difficult to accept the youngest Maxim, to understand that his mother was not only him, but someone else's. I tried to spend more time on the average. I'll put the little one to bed and play with Nikitatochka. Gradually jealousy passed. Now Nikita and Maxim are inseparable friends, they cannot be without each other. The little boys are mobile, they go to the pool, they expressed a desire to do boxing, karate. Do not force children to do what they do not like. From the age of four, they gave up middle and junior hockey, but when they went to school, they somehow cooled off to their hobby. Immediately they were taken from the section. I didn’t say: “Come on, son, set records. I will be proud of you. " There was another case. Nikita loved to swim, but at some point he said: "Mom, I'm tired, I do not want more." And I agreed with his decision. Later, he had a dream to do boxing, so we embody. Junior looked at his middle brother and also wanted to the ring. It is important that they make their own choices. I, as a mother, should only direct, and not impose my opinion. We have common hobbies that both my husband and I like (Natalia's husband is a doctor Nikolai Semenov. - Note. Antennas) and children. Together we rollerblade, skate, ski. I never dreamed that sons would become actors. Men are the breadwinners, and being an artist and having a family is a big responsibility. The acting profession develops in different ways. But when Artem, after the ninth grade, said that he wanted to enter the drama school of Oleg Tabakov and asked for help in preparing the program, he gladly sent and advised. I am happy that recently he, a third-year student, was invited to play Dmitry Burkhankin in the play Love and the Pigeons for the role of Lenka, and also in the TV series Shrafnik to the director Oleg Fomin. Who will be middle and junior? I do not know where their fate will lead. Nikita perfectly sculpts and draws, in May we give him to art school. Maxim is a sports boy and he studies well, everything is in harmony with him. If children need literature, I don’t download, but I’ll find it in a book binding. It is important that the boys hold a book in their hands, then they will talk and write correctly. When the sons went to school, of course, she helped them, because she had to instill a desire to learn, sit down and do homework. Now Nikita is in the fourth grade, Maxim is in the third. Both are trying, they have developed an incentive - to get a good grade. My husband and I always check the drafts of homework, and only after the children rewrite it on a clean copy. I am not one of those moms who fanatically seek only fives from a child. Study - it is in order to make mistakes. If required, I lay straw on it: this was the case with the eldest son when he handed over the GIA - an unprecedented form for our generation. She didn’t hope for her own strength, turned to the help of tutors. Artem passed well.
1/4Photo: from personal archivePhoto:From a personal archivePhoto: From a personal archivePhoto: From a personal archive If children ask for advice, I am always happy to give it. I don’t butt in, the child has personal freedom and secrets. It is important to understand this. I teach children not to lie and to keep promises. If someone suddenly offends you, it means that the person is feeling bad, you need to feel sorry for him, understand him, but not go into conflict. Artem, when he was younger, once said: “Mom, you told me to solve everything with words, peacefully. So now I can’t even punch the bastard in the face, because I feel sorry for you, because they’ll call you to the principal’s office.” Peace-loving children are growing up. I always tell them how important it is to be decent, so that your conscience remains clear before yourself. Giving birth is not difficult, but raising a person you won’t be ashamed of later is daily work, but a pleasant one. The main thing is to talk. There are families where everyone sits at the table, staring at their tablets, but this is not customary for us. In both the relationship between a man and a woman and the relationship between parents and children, the most valuable thing is to talk to each other. You need to want to answer questions, cover all topics and situations. And not like this: I fed him, he ran off to play, I don’t know what. If problems arise, you just need to sit down and have a good-natured conversation. When the older child asks: “What will happen if I do this?” I answer, I give reasons. At some point, Artem said: “Mom, you need to be a little indifferent. You worry about everything so much!” Yes, I worry, because these are my children. Probably, I just don’t want to understand when they become adults that I didn’t give them something. The child will not say anything if you leave him with grandma or a nanny. But in fact, he needs you, Mom, first and foremost. We have a rule: whoever has time, does everything. There are no women's and men's responsibilities. Everyone can succeed both at home and at work. This is my position, I don’t like helpless men. I want women who fall in love with my sons not to suffer. I taught them everything gradually. They ate, they need to clear the table, wash the dishes, I ask them to help – to pass the plates. And then one of the boys answers: “Mom, can I wash them?” “Of course,” I say. At this moment, it is important not to cut off the impulse. I taught the boys to iron in the same way. For some reason, the children themselves wanted to. I prepare them for adult life and family life. I strive to raise independent individuals.