Milla Jovovich encrypted the names of her parents in the name of her daughter

A photo: Getty Images Family name in the name of the child was also stressed by Milla Jovovich, calling her daughter Ever Gabo. Ever is a Scottish man's name, and Gabo is the first syllable of the names of the parents of Milla-Galina and Bogdana. By the way, for the second daughter, the actress chose the Russian name Daria, because the girl was born on April 1, the day of St. Darius.

Kate Hudson named her son after her relatives

A photo: Getty Images Kate Hudson named her son Bingham Hawn. And if with the boy's second name everything is clear (Houn is the surname of Kate's mom), the name Bingham raises questions. The father of the child Matt Bellamy explained on Twitter: "Bingham is my mother's maiden name, and Bing is the father of Kate's stepfather, Kurt Russell. So the whole family rallied in the name of the son. "For this, for the first son, Kate chose a fairly common English name - Ryder.

The daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow wears a fruity name

A photo: Getty Images Gwynedd Paltrow called her daughter an apple. That's the way it is translated from English Apple. The actress explained her choice simply: "This word sounded cute and sonorous and evoked such pleasant associations!" It seems that during the celebrity's pregnancy, the sweet and sour taste of apples was not enough ... The actress also has a son who received the biblical name Moses, then there is Moses.

The son of Miranda Kerr is called like a prince from a fairy tale

A photo: Getty ImagesMiranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom have distinguished themselves by giving their son a laconic name Flynn. In general, this is a fairly common name in Ireland, and in translation from the Scottish language Flynn means "red-haired". This name is often found in fairy tales: for example, they called the savior Rapunzel.

Kim Kardashian gave the daughter a philosophical meaning

Photo:Getty ImagesKim Kardashian and Kanye West named their daughter North West, which means "northwest" in English. Star parents argued the choice of the name with a philosophical meaning. "North West is our North Star, the highest point in the Universe," they said in an interview. However, they also came up with an equally impressive name for their son Kim and Kanye: Saint, that is, "saint." CONTINUED - on the next page!

