Not everyone will understand, not everyone will appreciate. The mother of two children, Alexander Kilmoury, whose Instagram has about 8,000 subscribers, recently posted a bold photo of her belly. Why bold? Because it was done a year and a half after the first birth and 5 months after the second. No, the picture did not show the inflated cubes of the press. Pusik, swam with fat, there, too, was not. Instead of them - a slender body of a young mother with monstrous stretch marks and sagging skin on her stomach. She lost weight as she could, was engaged in sports, but she did not manage to get rid of the marks. After all, often no creams, no exercises and procedures do not save from stretch marks. Usually the striae, as the marks on the skin are called, have a genetic predisposition: "I know that many of you guys probably think:" Why did she publish this photo? ", Writes Alexandra. "But it took me 18 months to do this." 18 months, so as not to cry when I look in the mirror. 18 months to finally feel again beautiful in my own skin. "1 / 2Photo: @ alexandrabrea_Photo: @ alexandrabrea_ No one warns a woman about the dark side of motherhood and pregnancy, admits the young mother. "It was a long, difficult postpartum path for me," says Alexandra. - Only now I finally saw the light. And I feel wonderful! "At the end of her post, the mom-blogger decided to encourage the women who are suffering because of her body:" Long live the mothers who are still crying because of their marks on the skin after the birth of their wonderful kids! Long live motherhood! All will pass! Everything will be fine! "Another example of inspiration was Alexandra's other instamamas. Women literally filled up the bloggers with photos after giving birth: "How can we be embarrassed by our bodies that give lives to such wonderful children!" They write.

