Psychology of children 3 years of age: features

Understand the approach and the onset of crisis 3 yearsit’s easy, children become moody, disobedient, misbehaving and mischievous. And the gender of the child is unimportant, and boys and girls are equally exposed to the crisis. But their bad behavior always has a reason.raising a child 3 yearsRaising a child at the age of 3 is not an easy task, requiring patience from parents. Photo: Getty

  • lack of attention from adult family members;
  • manifestation of independence, the struggle with parental prohibitions and over-care;
  • a negative reaction to the actions of the parents against the will of the child;
  • low self-esteem, disappointment in anything.

Adults surrounding a three year old shouldadhere to a certain behavior. It is not necessary to forbid everything or, on the contrary, to allow everything, because it can significantly harm the psyche of the baby and form negative character traits. So children, who are constantly banned and restricted, become inactive. They are unable to find an occupation, they have a poor imagination. And those children who grow up in permissiveness, does not receive the necessary restrictions in their desires, become infantile and disoriented.

Tips to overcome the crisis 3 years.

Parental prohibitions play an important role in the life of three-year-olds. But any prohibition must be justified, have a reason and be explained. So, they can be divided into two types:

  • Conscious bans. These are restrictive measures aimed at preserving the safety of the child, developing his discipline.
  • Unconscious bans. These are restrictions that are associated with unconscious grievances, anxieties, fears, and even envy of parents. In this case, we are not talking about protection and education.

Any ban should be made in a calm, confident, benevolent tone. And it’s best to learn how to build a dialogue with your own child and find compromise solutions.

Moral and physical education

Interest in physical culture and sport needscause from a very early age, because it is the basis of healthy development. It should start with simple games in which the child can have fun and try out the capabilities of his body. Even if the sport doesn’t become the main life interest in the future, they need to do as much as possible, because with it the correct posture, gait, endurance and motor skills are formed. It is necessary to include morning exercises, games in the open air, running, and swimming . A positive result from such activities will not take long. In addition, attention should be paid to moral education. After all, it is, in many respects, that forms behavioral reactions to a particular situation, attitude to people and objects. The education of a three-year-old child is not an easy task, but a sensitive, attentive and patient parent will always have the right words to come to terms with his child. One should not underestimate the importance of emotional interaction with him, it is important not less than physical education and a healthy lifestyle.

