In the Russian segment of Instagram isamazing community "My lines". In it, women tell (and show) how their bodies have changed after pregnancy and childbirth. They are all looking for support, because it is very difficult to accept their new reflection, generously “decorated” with stretch marks, scars, extra kilos. Even there, they are sometimes ashamed: "I started myself, think about my husband." Well, we have such a bad trend - a woman should look perfect right after giving birth, be thin, fit and with cubes on her stomach. Stella Maki, a mother of two children, decided to fight these stereotypes. Well, not every woman is capable of presenting a magnificent figure to the world just by leaving the door of the hospital. Actually, before the birth of the body, not everyone is perfect either.A photo: @worldofsmackey "Look, in this photo I am both after childbirth and pregnant at the same time," Stella signed one of her photos. Her eldest son at that time was one and a half years old. - I'm all in stretch marks, old and new. I have cellulite, varicose veins - thanks to genetics - and a hanging belly. What to do, so my body reacts to pregnancy. ”Stella said that after the first birth she was very difficult to get used to how she looks. “I cried every time I looked at myself in the mirror,” she writes. And then suddenly came the realization: she is a mother, not a picture from a magazine. “It’s not necessary to love every inch of your body. But hating him too is not necessary. This will not be for long. Pregnancy is not forever. Try to love yourself, ”says Stella.
1/6Photo: @worldofsmackeyPhoto:@worldofsmackeyPhoto: @worldofsmackeyPhoto: @worldofsmackeyPhoto: @worldofsmackeyPhoto: @worldofsmackeyAll this body positivity does not mean that Stella has given up working on herself, not at all. But everything has its time. She recently gave birth to her second baby by cesarean section and was not shy about showing her belly three weeks after giving birth. Yes, she still looks pregnant in it. For comparison, follow the arrow to the right and you will find a photo of how Stella looked in the 39th week of pregnancy. “Right now, I only care about one thing - getting through this day. And then the next. Everything hurts: the scar after the cesarean, my chest - because of my toothless piranha, who chews on my nipples, and after a sleepless night, every touch is terribly annoying,” Stella shares her experiences with her subscribers. Some of them shame her: they say, she does not think about her husband at all. "My husband is not my owner. My body is my business," Stella says, not mincing words. "My body is great at bearing and feeding children. It was created for me first and foremost, not for someone else's pleasure." Could you take and post such a photo for everyone to see?
- Of course! What's wrong with that? The woman is beautiful in any weight
- I could, but my weight is about three times less…
- Horror! Such pictures can be shown to the husband maximum, and then, if you are not afraid to scare
- I do not see anything wrong, but I never do such photos myself
Voted: 799A you could make and put on public display such a photo?
- Of course! What's wrong with that? A woman is beautiful in any weight 12,8%
- I could, but my weight is about three times less…14.1%
- Horror! Such pictures can be shown to the husband maximum, and then, if you are not afraid to scare28.9%
- I do not see anything wrong, but I never do such photos myself44.2%
Voted: 799