A person thinks that he is the master of his life, and he himselfdetermines whether to be his parent or not, give birth at 20 or 30 years. But sometimes plans crash in an amazing way. For example, someone struggles to decide on a second baby, and on ultrasound it turns out that the stomach has a triplet. Others from a youth dream of a large family, but only by the age of 40 they have an only child, despite good health. What is this - evil rock? Scientists believe that the whole fault is genetics.A photo: GettyImagesAgeford University researchers examined 62 databases with information on the age at which the first-born appeared in 238,000 men and women. They analyzed the total number of children in 330 thousand. "Looking" to them in the genes, experts have drawn interesting conclusions. In the blood of the subjects, 12 so-called regions in the DNA sequence were found, which are directly related to when and how many years a person can have offspring. Surprisingly, human reproductive behavior is partly programmed, and 24 genes are responsible for it! "" We found that women who have DNA information about her predisposition to late motherhood, later on start menstruating and menopause, "said Professor Melinda Mills from Oxford University. - Among men the same thing: the "late" fathers breaking the voice comes later. However, this discovery does not mean that the fate of man is completely in the hands of nature. After all, genes do not determine our behavior. And such an important event as the birth of a child depends heavily on our own desires, and on social and environmental factors. What is the benefit of the study? Scientists believe that it will help people to know the limit of their childbearing age. To those who pull with motherhood and fatherhood, managed to "jump into the last car."

