infant formulaThe mixture for the newborn is selected taking into accountrecommendations of doctorsPhoto: social networks1. The starting point for the search for the mixture should be the recommendations of the doctor (pediatrician, neonatologist). For example, for premature babies, each brand produces its own line. For other characteristics of the health of the baby, the doctor may also recommend certain types of mixtures. He will provide you with a list of brands, from which you can find the right one for your wallet and baby taste. Here at this stage it is already possible to go to the Internet - to study the rating of mixtures for a newborn and reviews of other young mothers. Look for newborn mixes by brand in ratings and reviews. Both negative and positive opinions about the same brand will help you to get an objective picture of it. In this case, separate the grain from the chaff. For example, reviews like “the volume of a jar is small” or “the mixture dissolves and crumples for a long time” should not be decisive for you. After all, if the child begins to eat this mixture with pleasure, you can suffer such inconvenience!infant formulaEven a high-quality formula for newborns cannot suitable for your babyPhoto: social networks3. Most likely, you will still choose a formula for a newborn not based on reviews, but by trial and error. And here's why. The main point in choosing a formula will be the baby's reaction: did he like the taste or does he refuse it? Is there any allergic reaction to the formula? Is there strong burping? And so on. In principle, you can see what other mothers say about this. But do not forget - each baby reacts to the formula for newborns individually.4. The quality of formulas for newborns is carefully controlled by the manufacturer, regardless of their cost. The price of a jar of formula may vary due to the composition. Thus, formulas made from goat's milk are considered to be the closest in properties to breast milk. But they are also more expensive than formulas based on cow's milk. Some jars may be marked "without the use of palm oil." But reviews of young mothers and experts tend to believe that this is nothing more than a marketing ploy. After all, the palm oil used in infant formulas is of a much higher quality than that used in cheap instant noodles or chips. And the palm oil in infant formulas contains the nutrients necessary for a growing body. 5. After you and your baby have decided on your preferences, several “spare brands” may come in handy in the future. The thing is that, firstly, with age, the baby may change his food preferences and refuse the brand of formula he has already chosen. Secondly, do not panic if the baby is growing, but the amount of formula he eats does not increase: a growing body should demand more. If this does not happen, it may be time to try another formula. It is also useful to know:

