Symptoms of mesadenitis in children and the causes of its occurrence
The peritoneal lymph nodes are the first to react to inflammatory processes and signal problems in the child’s body.Mesadenitis in children can develop due to incompletely cured tonsillitis or rhinitis. Photo: Getty The causes of mesadenitis are not fully understood, but the main ones are:
- In the case of the development of mesadenitis as an independentdisease is the transformation of opportunistic microorganisms into pathogenic microorganisms. This includes viral and bacterial infections, they are capable of causing: salmonella, E. coli, mycobacterium tuberculosis, adenovirus.
- With secondary mesagenism, infections enter the lymph nodes with blood or lymphatic fluid flow. The disease can develop against the background of diseases such as appendicitis, enteritis or tonsillitis.
The main symptoms of mesadenitis are:
- pain in the umbilical region or in the lower abdomen on the right;
- fever and nausea;
- diarrhea or constipation;
- decreased appetite;
- lethargy and weakness.
The symptoms of mesadenitis are quite common andmay indicate the presence of a variety of diseases. Parents should contact a doctor as soon as possible to conduct a full examination of the child and make an accurate diagnosis.
Methods of treatment of mesadenitis in children
After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor prescribescomplex treatment, which includes the use of medications and physiotherapy. An essential condition for the successful treatment of mesadenitis is adherence to dietary nutrition. Drug treatment includes:
Physiotherapy is carried out only after removalacute symptoms of the disease. The best prevention of mesadenitis is timely treatment of colds and infectious diseases. Parents need to understand that self-medication is extremely dangerous for the child's health and can lead to irreparable consequences. Compliance with all doctor's recommendations is a guarantee of rapid stabilization of the condition and full recovery of your baby in the future.