Maxim Vitorgan is a large father. From his first wife, Victoria Verberg, he has two children: Pauline is already 21 years old, and his son Daniel 17. He ends this year, by the way. Despite the fact that the youngest son, ten-month-old Platon, is also full of hassle, Maxim does not forget about older children. Here, for example, Danya is taken to school. Yes, so far.1 / 3Photo: @ danmaximovichPhoto: @ danmaximovichPhoto: @mvitorgan "I drive Danu to school for a week. We get up at 7 am, on the way we listen to The Beatles and "Kino". Straight through the tour as a child, "the caring father shared with his subscribers. In response, they were surprised: why is not the guy able to get to school himself? "I do not drive to school from the principle," one of Vitorgan's subscribers bragged. True, there were other extremes. "I have been collecting my son for a month. All I'm afraid that will start to rest, "- wrote one more mamochka.No the main discussion unfolded over the school fears. "I do not go to school - I'm afraid suddenly they'll leave me for algebra," Maxim added. And it turned out that he was not alone in horror at the formulas, the smell of chalk and the leaves in the cell. "I am also afraid. And the worst nightmares - that I have not finished school yet. Algebra is a terrible subject, "the actor's bullies confided. There were a few admitted that they went to school with pleasure. Apparently, Maxim's fans are all creative people. And they, as you know, with exact sciences nelady. And what was the most terrible thing in school for you?

  • Algebra and geometry as I recall all these areas of the trapezium, horror takes.
  • Physics is the most incomprehensible thing.
  • Chemistry, in general, can be oriented in all these detailed formulas!
  • Well, well, I do not like running and jumping, I do not like it.
  • Russian language. Cramming rules not for me.
  • Foreign temporary constructions have never been given.
  • Yes, there was nothing terrible, you can handle it all.

Voted: 82And which subject in school was the worst for you?

  • Algebra and geometry as I recall all these areas of the trapezium, the horror takes 15.9%
  • Physics is the most incomprehensible subject.14,6%
  • Chemistry, in general, can be oriented in all these detailed formulas! 15,9%
  • Well, well, I do not like running and jumping, I do not like it. 7.3%
  • Russian language. Cramming rules are not for me .6,1%
  • Foreign temporary constructions have never been given. 8.5%
  • Yes there was nothing terrible, you can deal with all of them.31,7%

Voted: 82

