Your action surprised many. Nowadays people try to avoid responsibility, and you became the guardian of a boy and a girl from Syria…The most precious thing in our life and in my life isrelatives, parents, children. For the sake of saving our child, we are ready to give everything. When I had an opportunity to help these unfortunate children from Syria, I agreed with great pleasure, because they are not guilty of anything. And we, adults, are guilty of the fact that in these eyes, fear, tears, hunger, is that they very rarely are happy. For the trip to this country, I am grateful to the Moscow mufti Ildar Alyautdinov, he invited me to participate in the fund's charitable action and opened my narrow Tatar eyes to me. Taking care of Ahmad and Asma (five years for the boy, seven for the girl, they are brought up by mothers, fathers were killed in the war, the actor will help them, including material ones), I ask all of us to think about , that we create. Let us, as adults, correct our mistakes, before it's too late.
Photo: personal archive of Marat Basharov How did your acquaintance go?
I was worried before the first meeting, probably, likeand Ahmad and Asma. I did not know how to behave. They were also a bit tense, but as soon as we embraced, I felt the same warmth as when my mother hugged me. This year, five years, as it is not. I remember, she said: "Son, come here" - and hugged. And that day in Syria I experienced exactly such a feeling of peace, goodness, tranquility. This is not comparable to anything. I want Ahmad and Asma to be happy, and I will do everything that I can to do this.
Photo:Marat Basharov's personal archiveOn the eve of your 40th birthday, you said in an interview with our magazine that your daughter Amelie is your main support. Much has changed since then: you got married again, a son was born. Who are your closest people today?
Previously, my mother was such a person, then she appearedAmelie (daughter from my marriage with Elizaveta Krutsko, the girl is 13 years old. — Ed. "Antenna"), then my second wife Elizaveta, she gave birth to my son Marcel (the boy was born on July 28, 2016. — Ed. "Antenna"). And now I also have Akhmad and Asma. So with each year there are more and more close people and supports in my life! Is there a difference in feelings between becoming a father at thirty and at forty?
Forces are less and less, and the joy of havingyou still have the opportunity to have children, more. I represent and understand the happiness with the birth of a child experienced by seventy-year-old, eighty-year-old fathers.
Photo: Marat Basharov's personal archiveHow did Amelie react to Marcel's arrival? Were you worried that now she would have to share her daddy's love?
Amelie has not only Marcel, but also one morebrother and sister. I'm talking about Ahmad and Asma. And also her mother - my first wife (Elizaveta Krutsko married the operator Sergei Shultz - note "Antennas") was born a son, then a daughter. So Amelie has a large sister. She is very sociable girl and is just glad that she has such a big company.
Photo: Arsen Memetov / Now you have a complete set - both sons and daughters. What are the principles of upbringing?
Girls need to be loved, hugged, carried in your arms,and raise boys so that they protect their girls. First of all, I want to see children healthy, happy, raise them to be good people who respect their elders, never forget their roots, and then everything else will come by itself. Last year, you and Lisa got married, and before that you secretly got married. Why did you decide to have two ceremonies?
We went through the nikah ceremony according to the Muslim tradition. It is necessary because we have a common child who must live in marriage with faith. Only then did we officially become husband and wife.
A photo: personal archive of Marat Basharova. It was the faith in the play "Talking with the soul" that you played two years ago. Now you are preparing to show the second part. What will you talk about with the audience?
In the first performance, my character Marat was absolutelywas happy with his life, but nothing was sacred to him. One day, an accident happened to him, he was hit by a car and found himself between heaven and hell. Here the truth came to him, he understood what was important, what was valuable, and returned to the righteous path. Unfortunately, we ourselves do not think about this until we break our foreheads. In the second part, we again talk about human extremes. But here there is a struggle not even for life, but for the soul of a child - the daughter of my character. And what could be more valuable? Children are our future, past and present, they are everything. When your own child is in trouble, you understand how meaningless everything in this world is. You speak as if there is something personal for you in this role ...
In fact, I do not play any Marat, I playhimself in the circumstances. The topics that are touched upon in the scenario are not only similar to my life stories, I think that millions of people have similar situations. We all lose loved ones, and for each of us this is a difficult moment. Life is given to us as a test. Can we pass this exam, with what grades will we then stand before the Almighty? Everything depends on us, because everyone is a blacksmith of his own happiness. Therefore, if you want to change something, then you need to start with yourself. I am grateful to Renat Abyanov, the man who came up with this production, wrote the script, to everyone who was involved in the first part of the play, and those who are now preparing with me a new "Talk with the soul. Beyond".
Photo: Marat Basharov's personal archiveDo you follow the plot's idea, try to change yourself?
Of course, all the time.It used to be impossible to drag me to a rehearsal at ten in the morning. And since I am not only the lead actor but also the director, I drag myself here myself. If someone had once told me: "Marat, come rehearse in the morning," I would have sent everyone far and for a long time, but you can't send yourself. So I'm changing. You've played in more than 50 projects, but you used to act more often. Take 2006, for example - eight films at once, now - two or three. Why?
It is better rarely, but accurately! This year I still have one picture - "Move Up". The role is not very big, nevertheless they are talking about this film. He was looked at by many, he collects a good cash register. It's nice when work gives you and people pleasure. And if it is not so, then the product of your creativity is not needed by anybody and it's time to change the work. I have long wanted to try myself in the role of director, which now I do. But I'm not going to become one, I like playing wildly, I'm burning with it.
A word to my wife. Elizaveta Basharova:
Photo:"Instagram" by Elizaveta BasharovaI was the one who initiated our acquaintance. I found Marat on Facebook and wrote to him. He replied six months later. We met, chatted for a few hours in a restaurant, but we didn't start a romance then, we just became friends. We congratulated each other on holidays, sometimes wrote to each other. And three years later, Marat wrote that he was divorced, single and ready to meet. Since April 23, 2015, we have been living together. Almost immediately, we started thinking about children. When Marat found out that we were having a boy, he was so happy that he carried me out of the ultrasound room in his arms, and then ordered a huge basket for home, which contained 1001 tulips. For our son Marcel, dad is the most important person. He wakes up and the first thing he does is kiss him, hug him. When Marat and I were thinking about guardianship, we pondered who we should take – a boy or a girl, and in the end we decided that it’s better to have two! I bet you didn’t know that… Marat Basharov can knit and sew on a sewing machineQuick survey— The main life lesson…— I made an app for a girl on the very first day we met, and it was in vain.— A meeting for which I am grateful to fate…— A meeting with my mother.— I’m scared…— When it’s dark. MARAT BASHAROVAt the theaterPlay “Conversation with the Soul. Beyond the Edge”, February 18, 18:00 Crocus City Hall. 6+