Catherine - a little more than 30, but she already has fourchildren: eldest daughter, middle son and two twins. The youngest will soon be two years old, they have already started going to kindergarten. But more recently, most of the time the boys spent in the arms of their mothers. In order for the surrounding people (especially men) to imagine what it was like to be a mother, Katya went for an experiment. The whole day she photographed events that take place in her family, and then compiled a small photo report with her comments.Photo: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archivePhoto: personal archive