how to teach a child how to turn overHow to teach a child to roll over on the back and on the stomachPhoto: Getty

How to teach a child to turn over from the abdomen to the back and back

Baby's motor skills are an indicatordevelopment. The age when the baby begins to roll over is from 2 to 6 months. Such a large interval is due to the fact that babies are born with different weights and temperaments. In addition, it is also important how the pregnancy and childbirth proceeded, whether the baby has neurological disorders. The author of books on the development of babies, the host of television programs about health, pediatrician Komarovsky argues that it is possible and necessary. To do this, you need to perform special exercises, massage and play from the first weeks of life. Laying the baby on the tummy is an effective procedure for removing gases that torment the baby in the first 6 months of life. The initial stage of turning from the back to the tummy is turning on the side. Don't try to skip this stage. A bright toy lying on the side is a good stimulating moment for turning the baby on its side. Having taught the child to turn on its side, it is worth moving on to the next stage - a flip on the stomach. This can be done by moving the toy to the side and slightly behind the baby's head. The final stage is to roll from the abdomen to the back. When the baby is lying on its stomach, rattle a bright rattle in front of his face, and then slowly move over his head. The infant will try to see the source of the sound and roll over.

Exercises to teach the child how to turn over

To perform any movements the baby needs developed muscles. Therefore, the performance of special physical exercises will help the crumb to master motor skills. Basic exercises:

  • stretching: let the kid grab your fingers, then dilute his handles to the sides, and then cross them on the chest;
  • "Bicycle": take the heels of the baby with your hands and make it the legs of the movement, imitating cycling;
  • laying on the tummy: first, while performing exercises insure the baby, holding his head, he will gradually keep his head firmly;
  • at the end of the gymnastics, massage the child with light stroking strokes, this will relieve tension from the muscles.

All exercises should be done very carefullyand slowly, so as not to accidentally injure the baby. Performing a daily exercise routine, doing an easy massage, you will help the child to quickly master the upheavals and other motor skills. Read also:

