Caring for a baby up to four and a half years

The state takes care of its well-beingcitizens. It provides guarantees that allow the mother to spend time with the baby without worrying about the safety of the workplace. A woman goes into the decree when she becomes pregnant. For childbirth and upbringing, crumbs are given from 1.5 to 3 years. However, if you want, you can extend your vacation if this is what the boss says.leave to take care of a child up to 4 5 to four and a half yearsLeave to care for a child up to 4.5 is possible withconsent of the employer. Photo: Getty At 1.5 years old, the crumb becomes more independent. In the second-hand care is not necessary. He can already attend pre-school, so that a woman can work without obstacles. If the employee wishes to extend the decree, she is deprived of social guarantees.

Features of an extended decree

A pregnant woman has the right to guarantees that provide her with government support. She receives social benefits:

  • One-time average daily payment for each day when the pregnant woman is disabled;
  • Monthly payment, which is 40% of the salary, until the baby is 1.5 years old;
  • In the future, 50 rubles a day until the baby is 3 years old.

Staying with the baby for a long time the woman does notprofitable. The amount of maternity payments is less than the salary of the employee. Therefore, go on leave should be as late as possible, and with the entrance to the service to hurry. The decree can be registered with a grandparent. To do this, it is sufficient to provide a certificate indicating that other family members have refused leave.

How to apply for a renewal of a decree

To prolong the care of the baby enoughthe consent of the organization in which the woman is employed. She will lose payments, but will keep her job. The level of wages will also remain the same. The experience for the renewal period will not be taken into account. On consideration of the Duma there is a new law on the decree. He will give the employees the opportunity to:

  • Stay with the baby up to 4.5 years;
  • Receive work experience;
  • If there are 3 or more children, increase the pension savings;
  • Work part-time and receive social benefits.

To date, employers are extending leaveemployees looking after seriously ill children. This requires the conclusion of doctors. The extended decree does not protect a woman socially. It is not officially regulated.

