"There is nothing cooler than being a mother, a wife, beinga woman! " - Olga said recently. And now the TV presenter again experiences the joy of motherhood: at the weekend, she and her husband had a charming baby. Apr 14, 2018 at 11:30 PDT “9 months after the wedding, our miracle was born. They say that children conceived on a honeymoon will be happy ... Let it be so, ”Ushakova shared with her subscribers. Recall that last summer, the TV star married businessman Adam Karim, and in January announced her pregnancy. By the way, before that, the 35-year-old mother of two children regularly appeared on the air, and not the slightest change in her figure was noticeable. Perhaps most of all, Olga's daughter was delighted at the news of the imminent birth of her little sister. Now their friendly family will be replenished with one more girl, and it will be even more fun to spend time together. And with such a mother you will definitely not get bored! Olga Ushakova told how she usually spends time with her beloved daughters.

I make a list and give a choice

- We have high life with our daughtersIt starts during the holidays, because we live in the Moscow region, where you can’t get to the city center every day. The interests of the daughters - 11-year-old Dasha and 10-year-old Ksenia - differ in terms of leisure. Therefore, we agree with each other, for example, today we are going where Dasha wants, and tomorrow we will fulfill Ksyusha’s wish. It happens that we come to the cinema, and they choose different cartoons. Then I find out which of them ends with a rental, and we go for it, and the second we go next time. For every vacation I make a short list of interesting events for children. What could be in it? A variety of activities to choose from, rather than the three museums that Mom wants to go to.Olga with daughters Ksenia and DashaFoto: @ushakovao

I am looking for courses on hobbies

- After school, girls attend different circles: Historical, geographical, take additional lessons in English, do music, gymnastics. And on vacation, they have time to individually learn the things they like. For example, go to a drama school or a school of fine arts. Now opened a lot of cooking courses for mothers and children. They are on my list of ideas for the holidays. I will offer my daughters and, if they approve, we will go to cook together.

Shopping and singing

- Dasha and Ksyusha are now at such a wonderful age,when you can already chat with them as with girlfriends. We have access to such dear to the heart entertainment, how to just go to a cafe and drink tea with a cake, walk along the shops. This is the usual female joy. We also like to sing in karaoke. Dasha loves foreign music more, she knows English well, and from Russian performers she prefers Vera to Brezhnev, especially her hit “Love will save the world”. They sing songs by Alexander Serov and Garik Sukachev. The girls know all musical styles so well that they already enlighten me.

Turning a house into a theater

Photo: @ ushakovao— My elder loves to be creative: invent characters, create stories for them, organize some scenes, and the youngest plays up to her. They have a special screen in the game room, where they change clothes, direct together, rehearse their performance, and then invite everyone to watch on the sofa. Sometimes connected to the action of a nanny. As a rule, they play something tragic. When one of them with a drama in his voice says: “Get up, don't leave me,” I sometimes want to cry. So good to play.

We build cities

- We used to love puzzles. Large and complex. Each corner was isolated and pored, collected, until the neck aches. Now switched to designers. The whole family love Lego. Sit down to build and lose track of time. We have already turned out a whole city in which there is an amusement park, a beauty salon, a shopping center, a house with a garden. We leave everything assembled, and when we take it out from the shelves and put it on the carpet, we see the scope of our work.

Showing films from childhood

- We do not watch TV at home. Sometimes we download movies from the Internet if I suddenly remembered some kind of a fairy tale that I loved very much as a child. So it was with the "Guest from the Future." Alice Selezneva's adventures are rarely shown on the air now, so she downloaded all five episodes, and we enjoyed watching them over the past holidays. The girls really liked it.

