American experts decided to solve the riddle of the century - to find out why the very babes are smiling. What affects their mood, is it possible to artificially cause a child to have fun?Photo:Getty ImagesFor the experiment, 13 mothers with children under four months old were invited to the San Diego Institute. Psychologists observed the mothers and their babies for days and came to an unexpected conclusion: children do not smile because they are in a good mood, everything is much more complicated! The child does not care whether the sun is shining outside or whether cheerful music is playing. He smiles for a reason - it is a thoughtful step. Yes, at such a young age, babies are very smart. When babies feel that they can attract the maximum attention of their parents and get the desired care, they just smile! And mom also smiles back, which, by the way, is important. This fact became the second discovery of the study. Children not only smile, cleverly guessing the right moment, but also do it with the expectation of getting exactly the same reaction, because it is important for them to see their parents smile. It turns out that four-month-old babies are already experienced and can make us break into a smile on demand.

