The fact that the future Queen of Britain is waiting forchild, the British media write with frequency once a month. But, alas, every time the joyous news turns out to be only speculation. In the intention of Kate to give William one more heir no one doubts. However, insiders say, the duchess has health problems. That's why she decided on the procedure of artificial insemination, as the portal Radaronline writes.Photo:Getty Images It remains to follow the official pages of Buckingham Palace on social networks and wait for news. With two past pregnancies, Kate, we recall, did not have any problems (on July 22, 2013, the couple had a son, George Alexander Louis, on May 2, 2015, their daughter Charlotte Elizabeth Diana). But after giving birth, she lost so much weight that her subjects suspected her of anorexia. And their excitement can be understood, with an increase of more than 170 centimeters, Middleton weighs only 41 kilograms! According to insiders, Kate's thinness caused problems with reproductive function. And with all this, the Duchess refuses to gain weight and, as a result, cannot get pregnant. The court has long sounded the alarm, but Kate continues to adhere to the diet, despite all the persuasions of her husband. It looks like it's time to involve Elizabeth II herself. She will definitely be able to clearly explain to Kate what proper nutrition is. Recently, by the way, Kate Middleton and Prince William made a splash on the red carpet of the BAFTA 2017 (see photos HERE).

