The long-awaited final of the fourth season of the show “Voice. Children ”was held last Friday, April 28. Despite the fact that the competition is childish, the passions were serious. No, these young talents did not dream of going around each other and get the title of the best of the best (maybe just a little bit!). The guys dreamed to perform with dignity, not to fake, not to forget the text from the excitement ... The tutors of the show experienced with them. Dima Bilan, Nyusha and Valery Meladze - during their time in the project, the kids became native for these musicians. The fists of the contestants nervously clenched their fists and restrained the surging flood of immense pride ... And the hour of “X” has come. The country has made its choice in favor of a 13-year-old girl from the city of Kalach-on-Don (Volgograd region). The winner of the show “Voice. Children ”- 4 became Lisa Kachurak!A photo: Maxim Li / Channel One “I was happy to work with Dima Bilan. He gave me a lot, ”the girl admitted after the results were announced. - I did not think that I would pass the casting, I doubted that I would pass the blind auditions, and here ... bang! And such a result! It was very unexpected! ”As the girl herself had previously confessed, her participation in the competition is a tribute to the memory of her mentor Anna Artamonova. During the work the student and the teacher became very close. Alas, Anna did not have time to see the student's triumph. The girl’s teacher died at the age of 26 from blood poisoning. By the way! A curious fact: the newly-made star Lisa did not dream of being a star. “She just wants to do what she really loves,” the girl’s mom told reporters. - If our daughter did not meet expectations, we would not continue ... But she does not just justify, but exceeds all our expectations. Constantly developing, winning contests. In the future, Lisa sees herself as a professional musician and is now trying to develop her abilities and is striving for her dream! ”

