Jamie is not only superprofi in the kitchen, whichable to cook a full meal in 15 minutes, he is also an exemplary family man. Oliver has been married for 16 years to the model Juliet Norton and until today was the father of four children. Now Jamie has five!Jamie and Juliet 16 years ago@jamieoliver The couple are raising daughters - 14-year-old Poppy Honey, 13-year-old Daisy Boo, 7-year-old Petal Blossom Rainbow and 5-year-old son Buddy. The parents decided not to recognize the sex of the fifth baby. And they did the right thing, because such a surprise happened! Jamie dreamed of another son, and he can be understood: four women are in the house, help is needed here. And on the night of Sunday to Monday, Juliet gave Jamie a boy. The happy dad himself announced the appearance of the baby and immediately posted a photo of the newborn on Instagram. ... Jamie clarified that his son's weight is about 3.6 kg, which is equivalent to 16 packs of butter. Well, with what else could the cook compare the weight of the baby! The name for the boy has not yet been invented, but judging by the unusual names of the couple's older children, it is unlikely that their youngest will be just John, most likely the happy parents will surprise everyone again. Well, we are impatient!

