hyperactivity in childrenHow to educate a hyperactive child?

Hyperactivity in children: symptoms

It is possible to show hyperactivity in children withinfancy. Such babies are very sensitive to external stimuli. It can be sounds, light, mother's behavior. Usually in such situations they react with loud discontent, refuse to sleep or do it with great difficulty. Another symptom and signal for parents is a lag in motor development: all the key steps are to hold your head, turn over, stand, crawl, walk - children with hyperactivity start doing later for 1-2 months. In the first years of life, children with this diagnosis show excessive and chaotic mobility and even clumsiness. In 2-3 years, hyperactive children are fidgety, restless, emotionally unstable - then a smile, then tears, and so it can be several times in a short space time. A vivid sign is the delay in speech development, problems with sleep. Later, after 4 years, it becomes clear that such a child is extremely difficult to adapt to the rules and norms of behavior. He can not maintain a steady interest in the occupation, is distracted by something else and also does not finish what he started. In conversation, the hyperactive child does not know how to listen and interrupts the interlocutor. He is impulsive and even aggressive in the team, which causes difficulties with socialization. Such a child is louder than others, tries to shift attention to oneself, does not accept prohibitions, later learns to write, read and count. With all this, he can be sensitive, kind, receptive even to a small praise and developed intellectually. In the older groups of the garden or school, the face of the problem is when the child can not control his attention and stay in one place for a long time, and 40 minutes of training for him become a real test. Teacher, trying to encourage such a disciple to discipline, focuses attention on his shortcomings before the class, exacerbating and aggravating the situation with each time. Especially such children do not accept comparisons with peers who are calmer, more diligent than they.

Causes and Diagnosis

Under the phrase often encountered by us"Hyperactivity" hides the disease "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" - ADHD. The causes of hyperactivity in children may be complications of ongoing pregnancy (toxicosis, hypoxia - lack of fetal oxygen, high blood pressure), disability of the future mother (bad habits, hard work, stress), difficult births (prolonged or, conversely, rapid), genetic predisposition .The earlier parents pay attention to the symptoms, the earlier treatment and adaptation of the child to the society will begin. Diagnosis of the disease occurs in several stages. To begin with, the doctor makes a complete picture, interviewing about the course of pregnancy, the diseases of the baby and his parents, makes him a response based on the answers of mom and dad. Further, children of 5 years of age perform psychological tests. And the most recent stage is the study of encephalography and magnetic resonance imaging.

