how to treat lichen in cats Actually, I rarely get cats. But they also have their own Achilles' heel. The most famous disease of cats is ringworm. And in this case the saying "will heal like a cat" does not work. This sore will not pass by itself, and the animal without your help will not get well. Therefore, you need to treat the deprivation. Otherwise, everything will turn catastrophically, as lichen is contagious and is transmitted not only to cats, but to other domestic animals and even to humans. Let's find out what kind of illness and how to treat it.

What is ringworm?

Lishay is an infectious disease of the skin andhair cover. It is caused by various types of microscopic fungi-dermatomycides. Two types of fungal disease are called ringworm: trichophytosis and microsporia. And under the general name they were united because of similarity of external signs. But this group also includes another fungal disease - favus. To owners of cats the favus is known as "scab" (hence, by the way, the expression "zaporshivet"). Fortunately, in domestic cats this disease is rare. Ringworm does not appear immediately after infection: the incubation period lasts sometimes up to three months. The first noticeable signs of the disease are round spots without wool (bald patches). At first these specks are small, but gradually (without timely treatment) they "grow", becoming more and occupying an ever larger surface of the cat's body. Initially, spots appear on the muzzle of the animal, on the ears, on the tail and on the paws. With ringworm, the affected skin is covered with gray, greasy scales. The disease can occur in different forms. The easiest form of the disease is superficial, more serious and dangerous - a deep form of ringworm. It is this form most often affected by kittens, elderly cats and animals with weakened immunity. The third form of ringworm is atypical. With this form of the disease, separate hairless areas appear on the cat's body. By the way, often on the affected areas rare hairs continue to grow. Sometimes ringworm, flowing in this form, is easily confused with scrapes or abrasions. This makes it difficult to recognize the disease. The superficial form of lichen is also difficult to diagnose, because with external examination (especially in long-haired cats), the spots are not always noticeable. deprive the cats how to treat

How animals become infected with ringworm

It is no coincidence that ringworm is the most famousdisease of cats: pick up this sore very easily. The infection occurs by direct contact with a sick animal or through objects that were touched by an infected cat. The causative agents of this disease are sufficiently stable in the external environment and are able to remain viable even for several years. Poor living conditions, chronic diseases of the animal and its weakened immunity or "tender age" of kittens increase the risk of infection, as well as minor injuries. In addition, this disease can tolerate rodents. Therefore, most often ringworm sick stray animals. And they become the main source of infection. But even if your pussy never leaves the house, she too can get ringworm. In this case, the most common infection in the house is brought by people on their own shoes. And if a cat walks freely along the street, sooner or later it will catch this infection. Therefore, it is necessary to take preventive measures and regularly vaccinate the cat against fungal infections. Naturally, to the category of preventive measures include compliance with the rules of keeping animals, and visiting a veterinarian.

Diagnosis of ringworm

If you notice on the visual inspection on the bodycat of a bald patch or a place with broken hair, immediately consult a doctor. But with mild forms of the disease, recognizing ringworm can be very difficult. Therefore, regular preventive examinations of a veterinarian will help to identify ringworm, even if there are no external signs of this disease. In the veterinary clinic, ringworm is diagnosed with a special ultraviolet lamp (Wood's lamp). When illuminated by this lamp of the affected areas, their emerald green glow will be noticeable. However, even such a diagnosis does not give a 100% result. Therefore, with the first suspicions of the disease, it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests. With this method of diagnosis, the animal will take scrapings from the wool and skin and prescribe the treatment. than to treat lichen in cats

How and what to treat the deprivation of cats

Today, ringworm is no longer consideredincurable disease. This earlier sick with microsporia, the animals were euthanized (according to the legislation!). Today, to the great happiness of pet owners, there are effective drugs. For the treatment of ringworm, antibiotics are prescribed and special vaccines are applied, the affected areas are treated with antifungal agents and antiseptic agents. Of course, a veterinarian will appoint a full course of treatment, but at home it can and should be treated. All the hair next to the lichen should be cut. Appearing and drying crusts must be softened with a warm soap solution, and the stains should be greased with iodine or greenery. A good remedy for lichen is also sulfuric ointment and "human" antifungal ointments. All that is removed from the skin during processing, it is necessary to burn, and the room is regularly disinfected. Try to insulate the sick cat. In any case, do not let her on the couch and (let alone!) Go to bed. When handling an animal, wear gloves and wipe hands with disinfectant solutions. Better yet, try to prevent such trouble as ringworm. Be sure to vaccinate your pet. Fortunately, today there are vaccines that protect animals from contracting ringworm. This vaccination is done twice, with a break in two weeks, and the immunity in the animal is formed in a month. And remember that you need to do these vaccinations annually, since the protection "works" only twelve months. By the way, if you suddenly get sick, you deprive the previously vaccinated animal, then it copes with the disease more easily. But the main thing - remember the need to show the cat to the vet. Only a specialist will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe an effective treatment. And your task is to provide first aid, follow the doctor's recommendations and follow preventive measures. Do not be presumptuous stubborn. Of course, advice can also be useful, but while you are looking for an answer to the question of how to treat lichen in cats, the animal suffers, and the disease progresses. We advise you to read:

