Most people believe that in order toto become rich and earn good money, you just need to work hard. However, this common opinion is not entirely true. Naturally, the first question that will come to your mind is why? Look around - what do you see? Many people around the world go to work every day, get a salary, but do they all own millions? Most of them can boast of living the life of an average poor person who has just enough money to satisfy the minimum needs for food, shelter, clothing and a regular vacation along a popular tourist route. At the same time, others spend their time relaxing for weeks at foreign resorts, sailing on their own yachts, playing tennis and entertaining themselves with shopping. Who do you think they are? Rich people, of course! So how do they manage to first earn and then spend huge amounts of money, without sitting in the office all day? The answer is simple: they know how to make money work!
For the rich, the work is temporary, but for the poor - it is constant
Anyone who cannot force himself to actтак всю жизнь и пролежит на диване, ничего не добившись. Естественно, чтобы у вас были деньги, нужно упорно трудиться. Однако необходимо правильно и с умом тратить и вкладывать полученные финансы. Как раз это и отличает богатых от обычных людей: они превращают тяжелый труд в «разумный», нанимая других работать на себя. Для таких предприимчивых особ труд — это действительно временное явление, а для остальных — постоянное. Богатые понимают, что проводить уйму времени в офисе следует лишь до определенного момента, пока деньги не начнут приносить дополнительный доход своему хозяину, который, заметьте, с этой минуты обретает больше свободы. На сегодняшний день существует множество книг касательно того, как стать успешным, и в каждой из них главная мысль состоит в том, что деньги — энергия. Люди, которые стали финансово независимыми, просто научились заменять трудовую энергию, которая вырабатывается посредством профессиональной деятельности, другими ее формами. Для этого они используют труд наемных работников, инвестиционный капитал и экономические системы. Если хотите стать богатым, помните, что сначала вы трудитесь ради денег, а потом — они ради вас, а для этого их следует направлять в правильное русло. Поэтому главная цель — заставить финансы работать на себя. Каждый человек в глубине души желает стать свободным: от обстоятельств, людей и прочего. Для этого ему нужна не только внутренняя, но и внешняя, то есть материальная независимость. Именно последняя предоставляет возможность делать то, что вы хотите. Естественно, для того чтобы не ходить на службу, не преклоняться перед начальником, а вместо этого путешествовать и осуществлять свои мечты, необходимо обладать определенным запасом средств. Поэтому, как ни крутите, но нужно зарабатывать, при этом не работая. Думаете, это неосуществимо? Напрасно вы так считаете! Получить такие привилегии можно, если найти достаточный пассивный доход, который обеспечит такую жизнь, к которой вы стремитесь. То есть материально независимым человек становится тогда, когда его дополнительный заработок превышает основные расходы. Многие люди упорно трудятся на какого-то «дядю» ради не слишком шикарной зарплаты. Но зачем так поступать, если вы можете зарабатывать больше, при этом тратить меньше личного времени и сил? Для этого следует сконцентрироваться на поиске источников пассивного дохода. Их может быть два. Первый — деньги, которые будут работать на вас. Например, инвестиции в облигации, вексели или ценные бумаги, взаимные фонды, операции на рынке краткосрочных займов, а также владение различными объектами недвижимого имущества могут принести дополнительную прибыль. Ко второму источнику пассивного дохода относится бизнес. Это может быть прибыль от принадлежащего вам лично или совместно с кем-то предприятия, успешная деятельность которого не требует вашего непосредственного участия. Также сюда входит доход от сдачи в аренду недвижимости, обладание патентами, авторские отчисления за музыкальные произведения, книги или, допустим, собственноручно разработанное программное обеспечение, франчайзинг и так далее. Этот список можно продолжать до бесконечности. По сути, любое дело, организованное вами и работающее без вашего участия, считается пассивным доходом. Главная цель состоит в том, чтобы деньги приносил бизнес, а не вы лично, затрачивая на это свои силы и энергию. Поэтому, если хотите стать богатым, научитесь соответственно мыслить — ищите дополнительные возможности, правильно вкладывайте заработанные финансы и развивайтесь. Только в этом случае вы добьетесь успеха.
Passive income as an opportunity to earn money
The importance of structures that bring passiveincome, cannot be overestimated. Without them, you will never become financially independent. For example, if you take a closer look at network marketing and delve into the very essence of this business, you can understand that this is a great idea. Why? Firstly, it often does not require large initial investments. Secondly, having correctly organized and established the process, in the future you can receive a percentage of sales for many years, while, mind you, it is not necessary to go to the office, take part in the business every day - it will work for you. It would seem that everything is simple and clear! However, most people are baffled by the issue of organizing and finding passive income. There are several reasons for this. The first is that from childhood, parents tell their child: “Need money? Go to work!” In this way, they deliberately set their child up for further eight-hour work. After all, they do not advise: “Get a source of passive income.” Therefore, it does not even occur to a person that this is possible, since this phenomenon is alien and incomprehensible to him. The second reason is ignorance of the specifics of organizing sources of additional income. As a result, most people simply work in some company, receive a salary, and do nothing to become richer. Or rather, they think that this will happen if they spend ten to twelve hours in the office, gradually climbing the career ladder. However, firstly, this is a very long and tiring process, and secondly, you must agree, in most cases, having reached a certain level in professional development, a person simply cannot grow further due to one reason or another: company policy, a “glass ceiling”, and so on. If you do not want to work like a workhorse every day, receiving pennies for it, think about finding a source of passive income. To do this, you should first decide what kind of “beast” it is and how to tame it. There is a lot of literature that helps people “turn over” their consciousness, move away from the usual norms and established stereotypes. For example, American billionaire Warren Buffett in his book entitled "Lessons from Corporate America" shares with readers the intricacies of the stock market game, talks about how business works, where you can invest your finances and how not to lose them, but to increase them. Bodo Schaeffer's advice on gaining financial freedom and finding sources of passive income is very popular. Robert Kiyosaki's recently published book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" instantly became a bestseller. This is far from a complete list of "useful" literature, the authors of which are people who are far from poor, smart and enterprising, who can and should be followed. Therefore, read at least one of the above books - this will be your first step on the path to wealth and financial independence.
Think like a millionaire
If you have the opportunity to changesphere of activity, follow the path that will allow you to organize passive income sources in the near future. By making such a choice, you will get more than you think - you will earn today and in the future you will gain additional income without being tied to a certain job. Another problem of most people is their commitment to the financial scenario instilled in them since childhood. Wealthy people always calculate their next steps in advance, thinking over the ratio of expenses (everyday, entertainment and others) and tomorrow's investments in their independence. While the average poor person lives for today, getting by on momentary pleasures. Justifying himself, he says: "How can I think about the future if I can barely make ends meet?" However, the main problem is that very soon today will turn into tomorrow! And then what? There are two ways to become richer than you are - either earn more money or reduce your expenses. This is a question of priorities, in which the poor prefer “now”, while the wealthy choose “a reasonable ratio”. In psychology, there is even such a term as “retail therapy” — a syndrome of momentary purchases, when a person, not having sufficient funds, spends everything he has on dubious pleasures, thus trying to compensate for his dissatisfaction with circumstances, the current situation, life. There are also those who, on the contrary, earn decently, deny themselves everything, buy the cheapest clothes, do not go on vacation, satisfy only minimal needs. Where do they put the money? They simply put it aside, as they say, “for a rainy day”. Both of the described types of behavior are not correct. In the first case, a person simply spends his already small fortune on all sorts of nonsense, while subsequently being left with nothing. But you should not be too stingy, especially if you just keep your savings in a “glass jar”. Remember, they should work for you! That is, you need to not only earn and spend wisely, but also invest in your future to get even more. Note that the rich buy real estate, the market value of which increases over time. They invest in stocks, bonds, businesses, and the poor buy consumables and only collect bills that they cannot pay. This is the fundamental difference. Therefore, if you do not want to live on credit all your life, learn to think like a millionaire. To do this, consider every dollar as a seed, sowing which can grow hundreds of new green papers. Read useful literature on gaining financial independence, business development opportunities, study investments, and then choose one area for yourself and become an expert in it. Learn not only to earn and spend wisely, but also to invest, thereby receiving additional income. So, in order to think like a millionaire and subsequently become one, you need to:
- Learn - a stupid and uneducated person neverwill not earn enough money, even if it will work without days off and breaks. Therefore, develop: read manuals and books on investing funds, regularly review business publications, for example, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, "Power of Money", Money and others. So you can get acquainted with the existing financial opportunities, you will understand the political situation, which one way or another, but it affects the business.
- Become an expert - having studied the possibilities of investing, determine your niche and start investing.
- Make a plan - sketch out a list for yourselfpossible sources of profit in business or investment, then analyze the market, financial risks, and then act according to the plan. You need to focus not only on getting "active" income, but also "passive".
- Buy real estate - become an owneran object that will subsequently provide you with a steady flow of money. Of course, this market, like others, experiences downturns and falls, but in a few years you will still get more than you invested. If you are afraid of losing - it means that you have not studied these tips carefully enough. Do not doubt yourself and invest wisely! The only way you can lose in real estate transactions is if you invested more than you could afford or sold the property at the wrong time, for example, during a recession. So be careful!
Now you know how to make money work.By following these recommendations, constantly developing and investing the money you earn, you will become financially free and be able to live the way you want! We recommend reading: