How to properly develop a speech

At this age, active kids already know about 1500 to develop a child in 3 yearsHow to develop a child in 3 years, so that he grew upa harmonious personality Photo: Getty Now you do not just need to learn how to pronounce them well, you can learn the basics of writing and reading. You can do this with non-standard tasks:

  • Teams on cards. On large sheets of paper write commands like "sing", "dance", "jump up," "turn around", etc. Letters should be large and clear. Remove one card from the stack and read the command aloud. The kid must perform it. Over time, the child will learn to recognize the words on the cards. After that, he can call the commands himself and execute them.
  • Sign drawings and crafts. First write yourself, then write on the principle of "hand in hand". Sign the author of the work and what is depicted on it.
  • Finger gymnastics. Learn special rhymes for such gymnastics. Each line of the rhyme is accompanied by a certain movement of the fingers or hands.

Do not discount the usual tongue twisters. This is a great way to teach a child to speak clearly.

Natural home development

It assumes the harmonious development of the child in different spheres. That's what this development should include:

  • Physical development. Organize the kid at home a small sports corner, buy for him a variety of sports equipment. If possible, write it down in some sports section. The child should always have the opportunity to run, jump, overcome obstacles, etc.
  • Creative development. Here you need to build on the interests of the baby and provide him with everything necessary for creativity. The child should have drawing paper, figures of people and animals for role-playing games, toy kitchen appliances, a designer and other similar things.
  • Spiritual and intellectual development. Introduce the child to the culture and traditions of his people, with moral values, tell him about the people and animals that live on our planet.

A special case in this group is the practicaldevelopment. It will help the child to adapt to the future life. An excellent exercise for this development is a home garden. Get a small garden for a baby in a pot, for example with a bow and help him grow it. Try to find new exercises for the development of different skills for your child all the time. It is important that the kid enjoyed learning, otherwise the sense from them will be small.

