To make a child homework, parentsoften it is necessary to apply not exactly force, but authority precisely: punish, persuade ... But it would be so desirable that the beloved child itself, without a reminder went to do the lessons, enjoyed visiting the school, so that in the diary there were only some excellent marks! and it was necessary to call your own child's interest in learning. Of course, it is much easier to force students to learn by means of blackmail and threats. That's only psychologically it's very hard for both, and for others. In addition, threats will cease to operate in adolescence. So how can you cope with "home" without stress? Woman's Day offers you some tips that will help ease your studies.Photo: GettyImages

Knowledge - it's cooler ratings

Do not react too much to bad assessments, notcompare successes of the child with brothers, sisters or classmates. Remember that in any situation you are his ally. Be sure to praise for good grades. About the bad, wonder what prevented you from doing better. You need to talk and do everything so that the child understands that they will love him, regardless of his or her values. Then he will try, because grieving someone who loves you, nobody wants.

The table matters

Even if housing conditions do not allow to allocatethe child needs a separate room, he needs his own space, where he will store school supplies. Remember: if the child is comfortable to sit, there is a comfortable table and chair, a table lamp, he will less fidget and distract from the lessons simply because he is uncomfortable. Not to mention the correct posture and preservation of the view of the schoolboy. By the way, children should not be distracted from assignments and any extraneous objects (telephone, toys, pictures, etc.). All this must be removed from the table and out of sight.Photo: GettyImages

Cause time, fun is mandatory

The specialists found out: the most productive time for doing homework is from 15:00 to 18:00. After school the child should rest for an hour and a half. If the break does more, then it will become tired of playing and entertainment and will be overexcited. Children who learn on the second shift are best done in the morning. When doing homework, it is necessary to take breaks: for 15 minutes after 40 minutes of classes or 10 minutes after , as I finished my lessons in one subject.

Work ahead of the curve

The child must understand that to cope quickly withlessons - this is in his interest. Do not drag with lessons until the last, that is, do not leave them for late evening. And motivates the child to do some tasks ahead - for example, that will be checked on Thursday, let him do on a Monday or Tuesday. After all, it's so nice then to discover that something from the lessons is already ready!

Reach out for help

There is nothing worse than a snowball of those who are not understood,unresolved issues, not completed tasks. Do not throw the child face to face with difficulties, help him figure it out. Now it's easy to do: there are a lot of educational programs, encyclopedias, manuals, films on the Internet. It is necessary only to search. But we shall cancel: a key word - help. Doing assignments for the schoolboy is not worth it.Photo: GettyImages

Estimate the amount of workload

If the child is engaged all the time, do notsit back, but the performance of the "house" is still delayed until night, think - maybe it is simply overloaded? After all, sometimes a schoolboy has, in addition to the school proper, also chess with drawing, an English tutor, judo and ballroom dances. The child does not have time to rest, as a result, he simply does not have enough to do his best. Now even in the "regular" school a lot is being asked to go home, so do not overdo it with additional classes.

Encourage, but know the measure

Often choose the easiest way to motivatethe child to perform lessons - material encouragement. Someone has money, someone has different purchases, candy, the opportunity to play computer games or watch TV. Such encouragement is fraught with danger - the child will manipulate you and in the future everything will do only for "payment." Praise the child for self-executed lessons, good grades. In honor of this, you can arrange a festive tea party. The realization that his successes please the whole family will inspire the child to continue efforts.

