Refuse from cigarettes, alcohol, there is lessallergenic products are all things ordinary and taken for granted when it comes to pregnancy. But nail polish? Air freshener? Shampoo? Even American scientists are dangerous. Recently, American scientists have found out that there are 232 compounds that can adversely affect a future child. And all of them are our faithful everyday satellites. So, the ten most terrible domestic poisons - and where they can meet.Photo: GettyImages1. Lead is dangerous: this powerful neurotoxic metal can cause brain damage, nervous system disorders, learning difficulties and hyperactivity. In addition, it can slow the growth of the child: both in utero and after birth. The pig can be in the water if the tubes are old. It's easy to breathe in with the old paint. He is in Chinese dishes - remember the melamine scandal? And yes, melamine sponges - they are also not useful. Even in poor-quality cosmetics, lead can be: they found, for example, lipstick, in which there were dye pigments containing this metal. The lead is pretty much in the air, if you live in a metropolis. How to avoid: buy just in case a household water filter. Do not use plastic utensils. Carry out an audit in the cosmetic bag: there should remain only high-quality cosmetics. Better - based on natural ingredients. And it is absolutely ideal - to move out of town, away from smog and closer to nature.2. MercuryWhat is dangerous: prevents the development of the brain and nervous system. We are exposed to mercury every day: it gets into the air by burning coal in power plants. Mercury enters the oceans and freshwater lakes, rivers and streams, infects fish. Particularly large concentrations of mercury in large predatory fish: tuna, shark, swordfish, mackerel. In general, the case when seafood is no longer useful. How to avoid: choose seafood, in which there are many fatty acids, but little mercury: shrimps, pollock, tilapia, cod, anchovies, sardines and trout. And change old mercury thermometers to digital ones.
Photo: GettyImages3. Polychlorinated biphenylsWe are dangerous: a persistent organic pollutant, which scientists consider a carcinogen. It affects the nervous, reproductive and immune systems of man. These substances - PCBs - have long been banned, but still can literally poison people's lives. In humans, PCBs can be caught with food: with meat or fish, if the cow grazed on an infected meadow, and fed fish grown on poisonous soil. In addition, PCBs are contained in packaging materials: in packs for crackers and macaroni, for example. In addition, PCBs can be contained in printing ink. How to avoid: PCBs concentrate in fat, so eat less red meat and oily fish. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables, smaller products packed in cardboard boxes. And subscribe to the online version of your favorite magazine. Formaldehydes are dangerous: experiments have shown that the effect of formaldehyde on pregnant females (not women, in humans, experiments still do not set) leads to the birth of offspring with a weight below the norm, with lesions of the lungs and a compromised immune system. Formaldehyde is in everyday life almost everywhere: in carpeting, furniture varnish and in general furniture from chipboard, in conditioners for linen, in cosmetics and shampoos. In addition, it is a by-product of smoking tobacco and burning natural gas. How to avoid: carefully read the labels on shampoos and other personal care items. Choose varnishes and other care products, where there is no poison. If not sure, do manicure only in well-ventilated areas. Avoid aerosols: from deodorants to air fresheners. Refrain from hair straightening procedures, refuse, at least temporarily, from keratin restoration. It would be nice, of course, also to change furniture for made of natural wood, but here not all in our power. But at least ventilate the room as often as possible.
Photo: GettyImages5.PhthalatesWhy they are dangerous: can cause infertility, premature birth, low birth weight in newborns, and babies are predisposed to obesity, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Phthalates are chemical compounds that help soften plastic. This is the substance that allows nail polish or body lotion to be applied easily and evenly. Air fresheners, perfumes, detergents, personal hygiene products - they are all scented with phthalates.How to avoid: read the labels! Leave air fresheners (and car fresheners, too) to the enemy, scented wipes, perfumed body care products - there too. And in general, try to use fewer personal care products - forgive me for such advice. The body does not need extra chemical load during this period. In addition, phthalates are contained in plastic, so do not heat up food in containers in the microwave. And replace vinyl shower curtains with washable cotton ones—vinyl also contains phthalates.