Games and toys for boys and girls

Kids toys: Are they divided into toys for boys and girls? It would seem, which is simpler: girls - dolls and teddy bears, boys - cars and transformers. And if your daughter loves toy cars, and the son does not fall asleep without a fur hare? Is it correct? Is there any danger in such attachments? These and other questions are answered by Elena Shuvarina - teacher-psychologist, head of the Development Center for Children and Parents "House of Joy". "A baby is born and does not know who he is - a boy or a girl. This is a person who begins to know the world and himself. And it's we, the parents, who give him an idea of ​​who he is, "Elena explains. Each mother probably noticed: in the earliest childhood, her baby or baby with pleasure played with bubbles, pots, remote control from the TV set - with all those items that we use in everyday life. Then the imitation of parents starts: the kid prepares dinner, puts him to bed, feeds the doll like a mother; repairs, "drives a car", like Dad. This is what boys and girls do, and this is absolutely normal, says Elena Shuvarina. And only by three years you can see that the toys begin to be divided according to the principle "for boys" and "for girls". But here there are no clear boundaries. Elena Vyacheslavovna calms: if a boy likes soft toys, and he feeds them or puts them to bed, you do not need to worry! "A clearer division of roles between boys and girls occurs closer to five years. That's when boys try on the role of builders, military, and girls study women's vocations. " She recommends choosing toys for the baby that will turn his game into a kind of real life. But if the girl asks the transformer, and the boy likes to play dolls - do not limit them! Let them play those games that interest them, it's better just play together with your children more often!

In the country of multi-remote

We all know: children not only love to play, but also love to watch cartoons. It would seem that it's a good thing: with the help of animation the kid can not only entertain himself, but also develop. Moreover, today the assortment of cartoons is extremely wide. But are all of them equally useful and harmless to the child's psyche? Unfortunately, no, answers our question Elena Shuvarina: "Unfortunately, many of them form the child's wrong picture of the world and carry dangerous examples to follow. But children in the early and preschool years can not treat information critically, and all images from the television screen are written directly into the child's subconscious and are examples of behavior. " That's why Elena advises parents to be very careful about the choice of cartoons for viewing. "Pay attention to the general emotional background, the positive attitude, the absence of scenes of aggression and violence, how the female image is shown, whether there are adult characters that carry an educational function. Is there a moral in the cartoon? What is the plot? "- recommends a specialist. And, of course, it is very important that the cartoon matches the child's age. It will be just fine if you go to the country of multi-pulti together: Mom and Baby. After all, according to Elena Shuvarina, harmonious development of the child is possible only with direct communication between an adult and a child. More good advice from Elena Shuvarina on the website of the Development Center for Children and Parents

