When to give the child to kindergarten

Until about two and a half years old, a child does nothas a pronounced need to play with other children. His mother remains in first place, and contact with her is quite sufficient for him. But sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that a woman needs to go to work, and there is no possibility to leave the baby in the care of relatives.when to give the child to the gardenWhen to send a child to kindergarten - when he becomes interested in his peers! Photo: Getty When thinking about when to send a child to kindergarten, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Is the child sufficiently householdskills. Can it yourself to drink from a cup with a spoon or fork, take off our shoes and undress as deftly controlled baby with a pot. Of course, the group has a nanny to help him cope with the difficulties, but it will be much, if he alone cope with this perfectly well. As a rule, it is not earlier than in two years.
  • How a child perceives separation from his mother. At the first visits to kindergarten, the child is left there for only a few hours. This is enough for some children to get used to the absence of the mother and let her go for a whole day, others, and after a few weeks, continue to worry a lot.
  • What is the temperament of a child? Sanguine children are optimistic and psychologically stable, they will easily get used to the new environment, just as the phlegmatic people will not mind replacing the walls of the house with the playroom. These children will have a good adaptation in 2-3 years. Choleric and melancholic are more anxious, they require constant attention, and may not need the company of other children up to 3-4 years.

It also matters how developed the baby isspeech, how he interacts with other children - willingly plays, or is shy to approach them. The optimal age, when the child no longer so urgently needs his mother, is interested in peers and is able to occupy himself for some time, is the age of 3. Children under three years old, as a rule, go to kindergarten if the parents have absolutely no opportunity to devote time to him at home. If the child is withdrawn, very attached to home and relatives, you can take your time and send him to kindergarten a year later than planned. Read also:

