Gone are the happy times whenIn the front garden of the summer cottage there was a flower assortment and a couple of lilac bushes, and the rest of the plot was planted with stunted tomato bushes, sad cucumber vines and potatoes. Today, amateur gardeners strive to decorate their summer cottages according to the European standard, combining a decorative vegetable garden with landscape gardening. But do-it-yourself landscape design of a garden and vegetable garden on six hundred square meters requires certain knowledge. We will try to understand the advice of experts on this issue, and also offer some ideas for decorating a garden. After all, not only a variety of decorative shrubs, trees, vines and flower beds can become a decoration of your garden. Garden design ideas are much broader! To decorate it, you can make interesting crafts with your own hands, from sculptures to fences. You can organize a mini-pond or a dry stream, or you can build a fake well. So, let's start implementing ideas...
Site planning
If you decide to do something new and take into account modernrequirements to redevelop your summer cottage and develop its design, experts advise to first prepare a general plan. It should display the boundaries of the plot with the cardinal directions, the location of summer cottage buildings, the entrance and green areas, and also mark the paths on it. When developing a design project for a garden plot, you should adhere to the basic rules, which take into account considerable knowledge and experience.
- Near the main facade should not be plantedtall trees, because after 5-7 years, growing up, they will block the access of light to your dwelling. The simplest and best option is to break a large flowerbed in this place. Plants should be chosen in such a way as to ensure continuous flowering.
- Planning the location of the fruit garden, it is worthplace it on the side of the house or behind it, away from the dusty road and car parking. It is desirable that the garden is well lit and protected from the wind. Avoid the location of the garden in the northern part of the plot or in the shadow of a residential house. Shrub and trees should not be planted closer than 1.5-2 meters from the house.
- For the suburban area of planting it is recommended perimeter area with thick bushes, which will not only become a green frame suburban area, but also to protect the owners from prying eyes.
- High flower beds should be arranged near the fence,where the rock garden will also look good. In this case, it should be borne in mind that ground cover plants, succulents and mosses need good lighting, so it can only be located on the sunny side.
- At the patio, garden paths, pavilions and along the edges of lawns, it is necessary to arrange flower beds and flower borders.
- For garden needs to allocate an open sunnyplot. But from the prying eyes it is advisable to hide the garden. In general, the design of modern landscape design not only allows, but also welcomes the neighborhood of fruit and garden crops with ornamental plants.
So, the design of your garden shouldstart with planning the site. And after that you can move directly to garden fruit and vegetable plants, and also use ready-made sculptures or handicrafts made with your own hands for decoration.
Decoration of the garden
Now we can talk about how to arrangea garden and vegetable garden on a small summer cottage. Preference should be given only to those elements that cannot be avoided. For example, a car park can be arranged outside the plot, thereby freeing up space for a recreation area. There are quite a few ideas for decorating a plot, but when implementing them, it is necessary to take into account the laws of style on which any landscape design is based. In a small space, it is better to arrange a garden in a landscape style. Bush groups, an arc-shaped retaining wall, a rounded lawn and winding paths will visually expand the size of the garden. There should not be too many large bushes and trees on a small summer cottage. Of the fruit trees, dwarf and semi-dwarf varieties are best suited. And space for a lawn or flower bed can be freed up by planting trees and bushes in a checkerboard pattern. Landscape designers believe that if you plant light-colored plants in the foreground and concentrate dark and cold shades in the background, then this can visually expand the boundaries of the garden plot. The attitude towards the orchard has also undergone significant changes recently. When laying out a garden, not only its functionality is taken into account, but also the future design. Today, many new ornamental crops have appeared, but fruit bushes and trees are also actively used in the design of summer cottages. Dwarf cherries or columnar apple trees can be cited as an example. Ideas for planning and decorating a garden are not limited to just choosing plants and laying out a garden. Modern garden design necessarily includes places for relaxation, for example, gazebos or an open area. By the way, if buying a gazebo is expensive and difficult to make yourself, then a do-it-yourself recreation area is a completely feasible undertaking. Try to avoid some typical mistakes when decorating a summer cottage. Other gardeners and vegetable growers try to fit all the elements of landscape design that they saw on TV or found in a colorful magazine on a small plot of land: arches, a gazebo, a fountain, a barbecue, slides, a pond with a stream, not to mention plaster figurines. This abundance of decorative elements collected in one place makes your head spin. There is no talk of any taste or comfort in such a dacha. Another typical mistake is the wrong selection of plants for the garden. An obvious passion for new varieties and species leads to an excessive selection of exotics. Considering that these rare shrubs and perennials are planted in one copy, such a garden design will not create a beautiful, complete picture.
Decoration of the garden
The vegetable garden can become just as decorativeelement, such as flower beds, lawns, garden paths and ponds. The latest trends in the country are the arrangement of a decorative vegetable garden. Properly made beds will decorate your site no worse than a flower garden. If you approach the creation of a vegetable garden zone creatively and with imagination, then beds with spicy greens, medicinal herbs, strawberries and vegetables will look very original. Some vegetable crops can be used as solitaires and accent plants. For example, horseradish and rhubarb, whose textured large leaves immediately catch the eye. For ease of care for various vegetable crops, they should be planted in different sectors, separated by paths. Try to complement the composition with a tiered flower bed with delicate dill and parsley greens, delicate lettuce greens. You can complete the composition with pepper bushes with bright lanterns of fruits. As soon as the first fresh greens are gone, they can be replaced by curly carrot leaves and red-green beet tops. You can also play with the shape of the beds, making them rectangular or square. The paths between the decorative beds should be wide enough to provide access for caring for vegetable crops. To prevent the paths from overgrowing, they are covered with mulching materials, such as small gravel, granite chips, bark or painted wood chips. If you are one of those who like to grow traditional garden crops with your own hands, then set aside a distant section of your garden for the vegetable garden. And do not forget that you should not get carried away with the number of plantings in this case. Let your carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and eggplants grow. But let there be only one small bed of each. If there is no way to hide such an unpresentable element of landscape design from prying eyes, then try to decorate it or even draw attention to your vegetable garden. Plant bright low-growing annuals along the border of the vegetable garden, lay convenient and beautiful paths between the beds. Such a vegetable garden will not spoil the design of your garden in any way, but will even add a special charm to it.
Ornaments for a country plot with their own hands
Today, crafts have become very popular andукрашения из природных материалов, сделанные своими руками для сада и огорода. Конечно, приобрести такие поделки можно и в специализированных магазинах, где ассортимент очень широк. Но цены на них, особенно если это изделия ручной работы, очень высокие. Чтобы украсить участок оригинальными предметами, совсем не обязательно тратить для этого деньги. Все это можно сделать своими руками. Мы предлагаем вам некоторые идеи для сада и огорода своими руками. Из веток В каждом саду после обрезки остаются побеги кустарников и деревьев, ветки от них, которые можно использовать для изготовления несложных плетеных аксессуаров. Для этого понадобится лишь толика времени, желание и фантазия. Какие поделки можно смастерить своими руками из веток? Вот лишь некоторые идеи. Например, из гибких веток можно сплести шар, сформировав из них каркас, а затем полностью заплетя его прутьями. Шар очень эффектно смотрится, когда ветер его гоняет по саду. В такое «перекати-поле» ради забавы можно положить погремушки. Из прочных и толстых ветвей можно смастерить декоративный плетень или вполне функциональный заборчик для цветника. Из веток можно построить трельяж-конус. Следует сделать его устойчивым, углубив в землю нижние концы веток на 5-10 см. Верхние концы веток следует надежно связать между собой. Окольцуйте тонкими прутьями вертикальные опоры. У вас получится крупноячеистая решетка, вокруг которой можно посадить вьющиеся и петлистые растения – душистый горошек, ипомею, декоративную фасоль и пр. На таких конструкциях неплохо смотрятся кабачки и огурцы. Из длинных веток можно сплести и кормушку для птиц. Из ствола спиленного дерева можно своими руками сделать подставки для вазонов с цветами. Из старых вещей Если на грандиозные поделки у вас нет времени, то обратите внимание на старые вещи, которых на любой даче в избытке. В качестве подставки под цветы, можно приспособить старый стул. Старые ботинки могут стать стилизованными вазонами для петуний. Также попробуйте посадить цветы в старые кадки, корзины и даже в фибровый чемодан. Отслужившие свой век автомобильные покрышки можно не только приспособить под клумбы, но и сделать из них своими руками различные декоративные фигуры. В общем, идей масса. Достаточно лишь чуть-чуть проявить фантазию, и подручными, никому уже не нужными предметами можно оригинально украсить свой участок. Из пластиковых бутылок Внести изюминку в дизайн вашего сада могут поделки из пластиковых бутылок. Из этого бросового материала иным мастерам удается своими руками создать пусть и не шедевры ландшафтного дизайна, но вполне симпатичные и оригинальные поделки. такие поделки могут претендовать и на звание садовой скульптуры, и на всевозможные аксессуары для сада и огорода. Идеи здесь настолько разнообразны, что предлагать нечто конкретное бессмысленно. Тем не менее некоторые идеи мы все же озвучим. Бордюры и для цветочных клумб – поделки, не требующие особых умений. Бутылки просто обрезаются и втыкаются в землю по периметру клумбы фигурными донышками кверху. Чтобы сделать своими руками всевозможных бабочек и пчелок, тоже особого мастерства не потребуется. Такие поделки по силам даже детям. Вам нужно лишь подобрать подходящие по цвету пластиковые бутылки и вырезать детали будущих фигурок. Потом соединяете детали с помощью мягкой проволоки и размещаете эти поделки в виде парящих стрекоз, бабочек и шмелей над клумбами. И, естественно, всевозможные цветы — те поделки из пластиковых бутылок, которые станут эксклюзивным декором вашего сада. Сегодня дизайн сада и огорода своими руками — это уже не просто вынужденная необходимость, но весьма увлекательно хобби. Советуем почитать: