On May 22, musician Anton Belyaev and his spousepart-time and director Yulia Belyaeva first became parents. About this star couple notified friends and fans on his page on Instagram. “Semyon Antonych ... you can Simon. Bec 3680. Growth 53. Born 24 hours. Healthy Mom's fine too. Thanks to the doctors, ”said Anton Belyaev. And then he added that to this happy day he presented a composition called “Undercover”. At the same time presented with a good deed - all funds from the sale of the track will be transferred to the fund "Bureau of Good Deeds", which helps orphans.Julia and Anton BelyaevyFoto: Anna Salynskaya / PhotoXPress.ru “I wrote a lullaby to my son, and this resulted in a charity project. You can listen, see and transfer money to children who do not have parents by following the link undercover.therrmaitz.com, said Anton Belyaev. - I remind you that not necessarily a million. Transfer 10 or 100 rubles ... Tell those who can help. Remind everyone around how easy it is to help. ”By the way, the hit“ Undercover ”sounded for the first time at the Therr Maitz concert last November several months before the artist and his wife announced that they were waiting for their son. which was filmed by Timofey Kolesnikov and Sergey Minadze, turned out to be very touching: the families and friends of the Therr Maitz group took part in it.

