Those who watched the TV show, for sure remembercharming, fragile beauty, pretending to the hand and heart of an enviable bachelor Timur Batrutdinov. The girl even reached the final. But to marry the resident Comedy - no, it did not work. Galina ceded victory to Daria Cananuhe. It and to the best. In November of the last year Galina has married. And today it became known that she is expecting the firstborn! And the baby will be born very soon: the girl is already in the fifth month.A photo: @ senoritagalo The fans, by the way, already suspected that the beauty is in the position. She was not in a hurry to admit that in the young family they are waiting for replenishment. But in the end she gave in. "Well, my Sherlock Holmes, I surrender," she cheerfully signed a photo, in which the future daddy listened to what was happening in his wife's tummy. Well, to completely dispel all doubts, I added a hashtag # a little bit boring. "I feel fine and look, fortunately, well. We already know who we will have, but so far we have decided not to disclose all the cards. To be honest, for all this is a big surprise and joy! Because we did not expect that everything will turn out so quickly, many try for years. So in October, in the 20-th, we will have a replenishment. We decide, as we will name, I want to come up with a special name, "Galina told a Woman's Day correspondent.
Photo:@senoritagaloRecall that Glina got married last November. Her chosen one was businessman Evgeny Gromov. The wedding was almost modest, only relatives and friends of the couple were present at the ceremony. But how Evgeny proposed to Galya! The lovers were flying to Dubai for a vacation. On the plane, the young man put on a real show, in which the entire aircraft staff, even the pilots, took part. Now they were truly in seventh heaven! The young people scheduled a lavish wedding celebration for this summer. After all, an open-air celebration is much more fun than even the most pretentious restaurant. However, now it looks like they will have to postpone the fun again. But the occasion is definitely worth it!