causes of cervical erosion Cervical erosion is virtually diagnosedevery woman. This disease requires special attention. Non-treatment of erosion can adversely affect health. It eventually can be transformed into an oncology. Remember, cervical erosion in nulliparas occurs as often as in women giving birth.

The process of erosion formation

This disease is associated with cervical defects. The shell of the cervix is ​​covered on the outside with several layers of epithelium (three). The third layer performs a protective function. Defects in the form of wounds, ulcers, cracks on the mucous membrane lead to formations in the form of cervical erosion. Initially, the healing process takes place. As a result, cells of the third protective layer are not restored, but replaced by cells that lining the inside of the cervix. As a result, the wound is overgrown with a completely different tissue, which does not perform a protective function. These cells begin to expand, due to the fact that they are not in the same microflora and are subjected to intensive exposure to acidic medium. As a result, erosion of the cervix increases in size. The symptomatology of this disease does not allow a person to independently diagnose it. This is due to the fact that this disease occurs in most cases without obvious symptoms. That is, there are no painful sensations, the temperature does not increase, the woman's state of health remains at the same level. In rare cases, spotting and pain in the abdominal area after coition may occur. The disease is the same as in women who gave birth, and in nulliparous women. What affects the formation of cervical erosion:

  • Infections (trichomoniasis, papilloma, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, genital herpes and type 2, gonorrhea). They are transmitted during sexual intercourse without proper protection.
  • Inflammation of the genitals. This is thrush and bacterial vaginosis.
  • Damage to the cervix is ​​mechanical. Appear after abortion, gross sexual contacts and childbirth.
  • Early sexual activity.
  • A lot of sexual partners.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Malfunctions of the cycle of menstruation and a hormonal disorder.

diagnosis of cervical erosion

Erosion diagnostics

To detect erosion of the neck can be a doctor-gynecologist. While conducting an examination, he can additionally use the method of colposcopy. It consists in the use of equipment that can enlarge the image. Having finished the examination procedure, the doctor will send for analysis to know the reason for the erosion:

  • Smear analysis, taken from the cervix and from the membraneof the vagina. This study allows you to find out the number of harmful microbes and beneficial bacteria that are on the neck. This determines the purity of the vagina. It has 4 degrees. The last two degrees (3, 4) indicate that an inflammatory process is taking place.
  • Analyzes that can detect diseases that appear after coition (unprotected) under the influence of infections.
  • Study of microflora by the culture method. In this study, sowing is carried out from the surface of the vagina. He will be placed in a special environment. So it becomes possible to determine how quickly colonies of bacteria grow.
  • Once the diagnosis is confirmed, it is desirablecarry out a number of additional tests. They will help to understand what kind of a neoplasm (benign or malignant). To do this, a cytological test is performed (reveals poor-quality cells) and a biopsy (a small area of ​​the neck is cut off for examination under a microscope). This information will help the doctor choose the direction in which the erosion treatment will occur. treatment of cervical erosion by laser

    Choose how to treat erosion

    In the treatment of erosion, various methods are used. The most common method of diathermocoagulation. It is based on cauterization of the cervical area by an electric current. As a result, scars remain. Therefore, it is unacceptable in the treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous individuals and for those who want to become a mother in the near future. Cauterization of erosion by nitrogen serves as an alternative to the previous method. The affected area is frozen. There is a destruction of the cellular structure of erosion. The result of this procedure is the absence of a scar. After treatment, it is better to observe the doctor, since complications may appear. Treatment of erosion of nulliparous should be carried out by methods that are capable of leaving traces (scars) behind them. They include:

    • Chemical coagulation - non-surgicalinterference, is used in the formation of erosion of a benign nature. It is carried out by treating the cervix with drugs that are able to corrode the wrong cells. This method does not leave scarring. The disadvantage is the possibility of relapse. The healing process takes 1-2 months.
    • Laser removal. Treatment of cervical erosion by this method is most effective. The laser makes the cut with high accuracy. That allows you to keep healthy tissue. Subsequently, the wound heals without scarring. Complete healing begins approximately in 1 month.
    • Treatment of erosion using radio waves. In this method, radio waves affect the cells of the tissue in such a way that they begin to release heat. Due to this, the fabric is not cut, but is melted. At that moment, the vessels are sealed. This, in turn, reduces blood loss and reduces the risk of infections. Subsequently, there are no scars. Healing occurs within 1 month.

    Such measures are applicable in the treatment of erosioncervix. The doctor will help in choosing the appropriate method of treatment. He will weigh all the pros and cons and choose the most optimal option for you. Take responsibility for your health. Regular visits to the doctor will prevent negative consequences in case of erosion. An important point is that this education at any time can turn into an oncology. So be careful not only to others, but to yourself.

