With the onset of June graduate parents drinkvalerian and new-passit, and teenagers, exhausted by stress, barely eat, sleep less and even play less gadgets. General insanity does not last long, about two weeks, but undermines the psychological climate in each family. How to keep calm during the exam? The countdown began! This is a time to review all that has been studied during the year! Wday.ru gives some tips on how to survive the beginning of June and not go crazy. Three whales of peace in the home Exam exams exist in many countries. In particular, in France, high school graduates pass YOU, while exams are held daily for three weeks. That is, the French teenagers do not even have the notorious “three days” for preparation between surrender. The French psychologist-teacher Bridget Prot advises parents to establish a pleasant and soothing atmosphere in the house. The whole family should lead a healthy lifestyle, pay attention to a balanced diet and exercise. And get enough sleep to give the body recuperate. This balance is very important for the good of all, and especially children, who will take exams. Memorandum During the exam period, parents and adolescents must sign a contract. These children should not use their mobile phone, tablet, or computer during preparation. Otherwise, adolescents will be constantly distracted by communication in social networks and other temptations.How to prepare a child for the examOn exam preparation days, the tablet shouldbe used strictly for studyPhoto: Gettyimages.comPut TasksLook at least in general terms with the teenager what he should do, what he should check, and what is important. The easiest method is to create a table to mark what should be repeated. Ask the child to cross out what he just finished. It will be a stimulating and useful visual reinforcement. Setting priorities Over the course of a few weeks, the Unified State Examination cannot re-learn everything, from beginning to end. Therefore, it is important to see weak links and act accordingly. Set the algorithm actions taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the knowledge of your child. Psychologists advise you to set Smart-goals, that is, possible and realistic, the implementation of which is strictly limited in time. Attach a graph on the wall in your child’s room. He will have a clear idea of ​​what he should do. Develop a “road map” The teenager must clearly know what he has already done, what he has read from what he read and has not understood much yet as he moves on his preparation for the exam. This technique will add confidence that the teenager is well prepared. And help in the case when he is having difficulty. It is important! The teenager must move at his own pace. Hence the interest to start early, and not to wait for the last moment. Do not stand constantly over your soul, let it breathe freely from time to time! Keep calm It is often the case that a teenager is extremely worried and worried because he is afraid not to succeed. Be confident and share your confidence with your child. This can be done with the help of words, gestures. So, as any trainer would do. Now you are the head coach and mentor! You can practice together by creating an imitation exam. You can also do yoga and relaxation classes together to help your son or daughter calm down.How to prepare a child for the examThe most important thing for a graduate is to feelfamily support Photo: Gettyimages.com Encouraging children to work in a group Group work can be very beneficial, especially for those who are more stressed. Encourage your child if he or she wants to prepare with classmates. You can also ask someone else for help. If someone in your family is “good at math,” feel free to call. Ask your teachers for advice - It's no secret that most alumni use tutoring. Do Not Relieve School Stress Do not let your child miss the last lesson or class. This is an opportunity to ask the teachers questions, get an answer and ask for additional exercises. Before the exam The day before the exam should be normal. Create your own routines. Some teens feel more comfortable sitting over their textbooks and doing the exercises. While others want to go out with friends, go to the gym. On the eve of the exam - no innovations, impromptu or surprises! Anything unusual is even more stressful for your child. This day should go like a normal day. The child should take time to prepare his things so that nothing is forgotten. Help collect his bag: check if he took his passport and all the necessary documents. Get your clothes ready. Discuss how he will get to the exam site? Does he have a change or a travel card? Give him a bottle of water, fruit, or a chocolate bar with you. Let it be a kind of ritual. By the way, you can remember how you passed your exams. Tell your daughter or son a secret about the "nickle" under the heel or about the "happy" shirt.How to prepare a child for the examIndulge your graduate with delicious breakfasts,Lunches and dinnersPhoto: Gettyimages.comMotivateYou can motivate a child by revealing his perspectives. What will happen when he successfully passes the exams? Immediately after passing the exam, it is not necessary to seat the teen for the preparation of the next. Discharge the atmosphere by organizing a movie night, buying him a ticket to the concert. Or cook his favorite dishes, beautifully serve the table - arrange a delicious dinner!

