Diana Arbenina, musician, soloist of the group "Nightsnipers ”, conducts a series of meetings with students in different cities of Russia, where he frankly talks about himself, his children and their upbringing, reads poetry and answers questions. Wday.ru correspondent visited one such meeting.

My children are talented, but I am for discipline!

Photo:@ d_arbenina— I don’t know of a single child who would volunteer to go to a music school. And my parents brought me there almost at gunpoint. Then they took me out of there three times, because I studied poorly in mathematics. Yes, I still do not understand the logic, but for them it was. They took - brought, took - brought again. I was already thinking: “Oh, thank God, everything,” but they brought it anyway. I didn't hold a grudge, but just skipped classes. True, then I realized that I still need to study - for myself. Indeed, during the reporting concert, it will not be your parents who will blush, but you yourself. Both my children, Artem and Marta, have already gone to a music school. I gave them away to try. They have abilities, especially Artyom. But studying according to the classical system is not for him. He only selects music. And this is simply unbearable. He is a talented guy - God gave it to him. We have a wonderful music teacher - Evgenia Arkadyevna Ditkovskaya. Artyom sits down with her, she plays, and he repeats after her practically without mistakes in the bass key. The teacher allows me to be present in the classroom. In the reflection of the instrument, I see how he manages to play with his eyes closed, and also winks at me. This is just amazing. But I am for discipline! Children must first be taught to read notes. Even if it is strict, but it gives more skill, this is really important. Only God will decide whether my children want to follow in my footsteps or not. If it happens that they go to music, I wish them (until they hear me) to face all the difficulties. After all, what I had was my path and my mistakes, my defeats, my shame and my success. I wish them the same hard, meaningful and real way.

