developing games in kindergartenDeveloping games in kindergarten prepare a child for school and train his intellectPhoto: Getty

The purpose of developing games in kindergarten

Gaming in preschoolis present in all regime moments. If in real life the child refuses to fulfill the requirements of an adult, then in the game he voluntarily obeys the rules. At the same time, a model of correct behavior is created unobtrusively, thinking, imagination, initiative is developing. The developing games for children in kindergarten are based on the principle that the educator organizes the activity, the child finds its way of realization. This encourages self-untwisting game story, that is, self-learning. Developing games in baby soda perform important functions:

  • increase the activity of children in the team;
  • combine the game and learning;
  • acquaint with the rules of conduct;
  • Encourage respect for the opinions of others;
  • form communicative qualities;
  • suggest optimal options for a way out of these situations.

How to organize a game and carry away the kids?

Developing games in kindergarten

Games are divided into categories, each of which is important for the comprehensive development of the child:

  • Cognitive - card files of animals and plants, thematic cubes - expand and consolidate knowledge of the world around.
  • For attention and memory - "Who is hiding here?", "Find a couple", "What is superfluous?" - they teach observation, concentration, perseverance.
  • Coloring and plasticine - prepare a hand for writing, develop creative abilities, perception of color.
  • For thinking and logic - "Continue drawing", "Gather beads", "Connect points", "Fold mosaic" - prompt to compare, analyze, establish object connections.
  • Riddles, charades, riddles - replenish the vocabulary, teach you to reason logically.
  • Books and cubes with numbers, mathematical cards introduce the world of numbers, the concept of quantity.
  • Puzzles, geometric designers "Lay out a pattern", "Pyramids", puzzles, mosaics, transformers - work out fine motor skills and form abstract thinking.
  • Educators who make educational games inkindergarten with their own hands from surrounding objects, can with one touch panel of plastic covers, multi-colored clothes pegs, laces, buttons to play a few scenarios depending on the individual characteristics of the child. The difference between these classes from home games is that they are conducted under the supervision of a teacher who can correct physical, mental and logopedic defects, and the gameplay reflects the school atmosphere as much as possible.

