You know that often brings even very smart andsmart children? Banal inattention. Because of the inability to concentrate on the task, children commit up to insulting stupid mistakes. And why? But because many parents, focusing on good assessments, overlook the main tool for their reception - assiduity. After all, the child can learn to be attentive only with parental help. How? About this Woman's Day asked psychotherapist Zoya Bogdanov.Zoya BogdanovaBasic concentration skills childreceives in early childhood. It is very important that by the time they entered the school they were sufficiently developed and did not have to master the ability to focus on the move, receiving in parallel a large amount of new information.

We train preschool children

How to teach a child to concentrate attentionA photo: GettyImagesThe understanding of children is unstable and changeable: they painted a second ago, and now they are playing or running. This is absolutely normal, because the concentration time in childhood is quite short - up to 7 years, children are able to focus on a certain occupation on average no more than 15 minutes. However, the fact that they are really interested, they can do much longer. This is the main principle of training with kids - to interest them, thereby keeping attention. Here are a few tricks. It is important to remember that knowledge of preschoolers is better presented in the form of a game. Fairy tales work well, and to fix the result, you can play in the theater, where one of the roles will be played by the child himself. Break down any work into stages and explain in detail how the children will learn to plan. Follow up to the end and be sure to focus the attention of the baby on it - so he will learn to be patient and realizes the joy of the completed work. 4. Encourage painting, collecting mosaics and puzzles - these exercises develop perseverance and concentration. Participate on a par with the baby in performing monotonous and monotonous actions (for example, working with the words), you can even write in your notebook, sitting next to him. The element of rivalry will make him try to do his job better, and the presence and approval of an adult will give him strength.

Gryzem granite science together

How to develop perseverance in a studentA photo: GettyImagesUse that barrage of new information that falls on the child at school - it's not an easy thing. It requires not only the ability to concentrate, but also the skills of some self-organization. Well, if these skills have a child at the time of the hike in the first class already. But even if not, it does not matter. But you will have to help. Teach your child to organize your day and week. Help him plan the time after school: rest, homework, games, walks. Control that he does not get out of the allotted timeframe, and gradually he will learn to optimally plan his own activities. Praise the student for achievements no less than would praise him in three years. Encouragement encourages the development of positive motivation, and with it, and the desire to learn. Try to diversify the routine of the school material - interesting facts, observation of the surrounding world, available at home experiments can show a new side of school knowledge. And remember - caring, affection and patience on the part of parents can work miracles. Do not skimp on them, instilling in the child the desire to be assiduous, attentive and collected, and the results will surpass even your wildest expectations.

