What is the use of wushu lessons for a healthy child?

In the process of development, children must do what they like, then hobbies will help the physical, social and psychological formation of the individual.Wushu for childrenWushu for children trains discipline and physical healthPhoto: Getty Wushu contains many advantages:

  • It is considered not a traumatic sport,involves in many muscle groups. Exercises teach perseverance, endurance, agility and accuracy, make the body plastic and manageable. Strengthen the vestibular apparatus.
  • Intertwined with the breathing technique, which nourishes the oxygen body.
  • Improves discipline and self-organization.
  • Requires a high concentration of attention - the child trains memory and thinking.
  • Meditation techniques, without which it is impossible to fight, teach balance and restraint, it is useful for the adaptation of the child in school and society.

The technique of wushu teaches us to be responsible and organized, trains the spirit and a healthy body. It suits boys and girls.

Contraindications, precautions and rules

As in any fight, there can be a negative wushuthe side is an inexperienced trainer who, because of ignorance, can harm his health. Therefore, before you give the child to combat, make sure that the coach is competent. For training to be useful, consider these tips:

  • Give the child to the section where there are not more than 10 people in the group. Then the coach will thoroughly study the characteristics of each child and will be able to give him enough attention.
  • Take into account the age of the group, so that kids do not have to fight with older children. A large age difference can lead to injuries or the development of complexes.
  • Do not give children to the section of martial artsyounger than 5 years. They will not understand why it is necessary to observe discipline, and will be frightened of the requirements of the mentor. Small will benefit from the usual physical education or developing games.

If the child has health problems, askdoctor, whether it is possible to him to be engaged in single combats. In the rest of the reasons to abandon such training is not. Wushu - single combat, which will turn your child into a healthy, disciplined teenager with high moral standards.

