Anastasia Volochkova
Nov 3 2017 at 1:58 PDT In September, the ballerina's heiress turned 12 years old. Her mother threw her beloved Arisha a chic party and, with tears in her eyes, confessed how she dreamed of having a daughter. The socialite gave birth to Ariadna at 29, and the girl was an exact copy of her mother from the very beginning. Over the years, this resemblance has not disappeared. Arisha has her mother's nose, eyes, and bow-shaped lips. In addition to her appearance, the daughter inherited her mother's love of publicity. The girl runs a blog on the Internet, and recently walked the catwalk during a fashion show. "The beauty is growing up," Anastasia's fans say.
Ksenia Sobchak
Photo: @xenia_sobchak
Photo:@xenia_sobchakKsyusha Sobchak, who, in her words, had no intention of having children – “little brats” – has finally become a mother. On November 18, Platon will be one year old. Fans have been waiting for a long time for Ksenia Anatolyevna to show them a photo of her son, and recently it happened. Now subscribers are wondering who the baby looks like. His forehead is big, like his mother’s, but his chin is clearly smaller. His eyes also seem to be his mother’s, and he folds his lips in a smile in the same way.
Evgeni Plushenko
Sep 30 2017 at 12:44 PDT The famous figure skater got married for the first time when he was almost 23 years old. The early marriage ended in a scandalous divorce, and his wife Maria Ermak did not allow her father to see his son Yegor for a long time. But over the years, the relationship improved, and now everyone who sees their 11-year-old son and dad together is amazed at their resemblance: Yegor simply has the same face as Zhenya Plushenko, absolutely the same nose, lips, eyes. "Alike?" the figure skater asked his subscribers. "Incredible", "The noses are exactly the same", the fans responded.
Yana Rudkovskaya
Jul 30 2017 at 8:57 PDT Zhenya Plushenko's youngest son Alexander looks more like his mother, Yana Rudkovskaya. His lips are like a bow, his eyebrows are like a house, and his nose is neat. Gnome Gnomych, as his parents call him, will turn 5 in January. At his young age, the little boy is confident both on the ice and on the podium. His parents put him on skates when he was one and a half years old, and a little later the boy started playing football. Everyone notes how relaxed and sociable the little boy is, and his character is just like his producer mother.
Ivan Urgant
Photo: @urgantcom
Photo:@urgantcom Ivan Urgant has four children - two from his wife Natalia Kiknadze's previous marriage, and two together. The eldest girl, Nina, is eight years old, the youngest, Valeria, turned two in September. Ivan Andreevich does not advertise his children, but sometimes he posts photos of the eldest on social media. It is immediately obvious: daddy's girl. But also mommy's, because Ivan and Natalia look alike. Apparently, this is how the kinship of souls is expressed. Because Natalia's children from her first marriage also look a lot like Ivan.
Tatyana Navka
Photo: @tatiana_navka
Photo:@tatiana_navkaThe eldest daughter of multiple figure skating champion Tatyana Navka from her marriage to champion figure skater Alexander Zhulin is named after her father – Alexandra. The girl is 17 years old, she is known to the public as the singer Alexia. Fans note that the daughter looks like her mother. As does Navka’s youngest daughter, 3-year-old Nadezhda, from her marriage to the President’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov.
Anastasia Zavorotnyuk
Photo:@a_zavorotnyukThe son of the "wonderful nanny" Michael turned 17 this summer, and he is like two peas in a pod with his mother. Daughter Anna, four years older than her brother, also looks alike, but smaller. The children were born in Zavorotnyuk's second marriage to businessman Dmitry Stryukov. But the actress's fans note that they seem to have inherited the features of Anastasia's third husband, figure skater Petr Chernyshev, their stepfather. What a mystery of nature! "Mom's photocopy", "Unreal resemblance, as if this is not a son but a twin brother," fans write.