Easy Chicken Dumpling Soup - Perfectthe first course, which remains relevant at any time of the year: both in the cold winter and in the hot summer. It is very satisfying and at the same time not too heavy for the stomach, such a dish will appeal to both adults and the most picky children in food. It is great not only for a modest family dinner, but also for meeting guests. If friends or relatives unexpectedly drop by your house, you can please them with a hot, aromatic soup with chicken and herbs, especially since its preparation takes a minimum of time. Each recipe is a separate story with its own ingredients, nuances and culinary subtleties. Today we will share with our readers the most intimate - we will tell you how to cook a delicious first course in just half an hour.
Vegetable soup with croutons on chicken broth
The first recipe can safely be called dietary.Broths made from pork, beef and especially lamb are rich and quite fatty. While chicken soup is something light and completely weightless. It is better to use poultry: it is healthier and the broth from it is much tastier. We will make the first course exclusively with vegetables, but if you wish, you can add pieces of boiled meat to it - put them directly into each portion. Serve the dish with garlic pampushki or croutons. Ingredients:
- 300 grams of homemade chicken
- 150 grams of fresh champignons
- 120 grams of carrot
- three or four pinch of common salt
- 20 grams of fresh greens
- bulbous bulb
- 16 milliliters of vegetable oil
- one and a half liters of purified water
Dumpling dough:
- oil (meaning vegetable) - 25 milliliters
- 1/2 cup water (can use chicken broth)
- 75-80 grams of semolina
- salt - at your discretion
For croutons:
- 1/3 of a fresh loaf or bread
- olive oil - two large spoons
- Oregano, rosemary or other dried seasonings
Method of preparation:First, remove excess fat from the chicken, place it in a ceramic saucepan and fill it with water. Put it on low heat and bring to a boil, lightly salt the broth and do not forget to remove the foam from it, otherwise the soup will be cloudy. In the meantime, take care of the remaining ingredients: peel the carrots and chop them into thin circles. Cut the peeled onion into medium half rings. As you know, the onion is quite sharp, so in order not to shed a single tear while cooking, use the following advice. So, first cut the onion into two parts, then hold them in ice water, cool the knife under the tap as well. After that, boldly begin cutting the product. Now remove the excess film from the champignons and cut them into medium-thick slices. Heat a saucepan with oil, pour in the carrots, fry on minimum heat until the color changes. Then add the onion, stirring regularly, keep the dish on the stove for another two minutes. Now add the mushrooms and a little salt, continue cooking. When all the ingredients become soft and release juice, turn off the heat. For this soup, we will take the recipe for semolina dumplings, but there are many other options that we will consider a little later. So, boil salted water in a saucepan (take half a glass), as soon as the liquid begins to boil, remove it from the stove and, without stopping stirring, pour the semolina into the dish. Keep in mind that the movements should be very fast, as a result you will get choux pastry. Roll it into a thin layer, from which you will form dumplings. The recipe has come to an end, it remains to combine all the ingredients together. To do this, put the vegetable frying into the boiling chicken broth and continue to cook the dish at minimum heat. We recommend adding some spices for flavor, such as black peppercorns or your favorite dried herbs. After about ten minutes, put the dumplings in the dish and cook for another seven minutes, maximum, until the products float to the surface. Now chop the fresh herbs as finely as possible and add them to the soup just before turning off the heat. As for the chicken: if you decide to serve the soup with meat, take out the carcass, separate it into fibers and put them in each portion. Then pour the aromatic dish into plates and serve it to your guests. Garlic pampushki will be an excellent addition to the meal. There is another option - make croutons. The recipe is very simple: cut fresh bread into cubes of the same size. Then sprinkle them with dried spices, such as rosemary or oregano, and fry in a saucepan with heated olive oil. If desired, grease the croutons with garlic, it will give the products a special aroma. Enjoy your meal!
Chicken soup with vegetables and dumplings
This time the recipe for dumpling dough will besignificantly different from the previous one. If in the first case we made them from semolina, now to prepare the products you will need milk and wheat flour. In addition, the soup itself will be more filling due to the potatoes, vegetables and tender chicken meat. You will see, it not only satisfies hunger, but also lifts the mood. This light dish is a great reason to gather the whole family at the common table. After all, nothing brings people together like a hearty, tasty meal. So, enjoy your meal! Ingredients: For the broth:
- salt
- 1500 milliliters of cold water
- 500 grams of homemade chicken (if you want to save, take a special soup set, it is cheaper than a whole carcass, but nevertheless it also has meat)
- one onion
- carrot
For the soup:
- a few peas of sweet pepper
- 100 grams of carrot
- 150 grams of potatoes
- two laurel leaves
- vegetable oil - needed for roasting
- seven sprigs of fresh dill
- 90 grams of onions
For the dumplings:
- egg
- fifteen milliliters of butter (pre-melted creamy product)
- seven large (without top) spoons of white flour
- a pinch of salt
- 130 milliliters of milk (for lack of such, slightly change the recipe by adding ordinary water to the dough)
Method of preparation: Чтобы куриный суп с клецками получился ароматным и вкусным, сначала следует сделать наваристый бульон. Для этого рекомендуем приобрести домашнюю птицу. Учтите, что ее придется готовить значительно дольше, чем обычную магазинную, зато блюдо выйдет более аппетитным и полезным. Кроме того, мясо домашней курицы всегда гораздо нежнее. Если же хотите сэкономить, купите специальный набор для супа, состоящий из потрошков. Теперь давайте займемся делом: итак, хорошо промойте и высушите тушку, ощипайте ее и выложите в кастрюлю с водой. Варите на среднем огне, не забывая периодически снимать пену. Киньте в посуду несколько щепоток соли, перемешайте. Сюда же выложите заранее очищенную луковицу и морковку. Заметьте, резать овощи не нужно, они должны быть целыми. Добавьте в бульон душистый перец и несколько листиков лавра, уменьшите пламя конфорки и продолжайте готовить еще минимум полчаса. В среднем варка бульона из домашней курицы занимает около 45 минут. Попробуйте мясо на вкус, если оно мягкое и нежное, значит птица готова. Достаньте ее из посуды, отделите мясо от костей, после растяните его руками на мелкие волокна. Целые овощи вам больше не понадобятся, так что извлеките их из бульона и выбросьте. Теперь срежьте с картофеля кожуру, порубите его тонкой соломкой и высыпьте в кастрюлю. Варите еще десять-двенадцать минут при минимальном кипении. Если хотите приготовить своим близким сытное, но при этом нежирное первое блюдо, то этот рецепт подойдет как нельзя лучше. Неоспоримое преимущество кушанья состоит в его простоте: чтобы сделать суп, не обязательно быть великим поваром с большим опытом — достаточно любить кулинарию и следовать представленной инструкции. Итак, двигаемся дальше: очистите морковь и луковицу, после первую порубите соломкой или натрите на терке, а репчатый продукт нашинкуйте полукольцами. Поставьте на небольшой огонь сковороду, раскалите ее, потом добавьте масло. Как только оно начнет шипеть, высыпьте в посуду лук и обжаривайте его не дольше трех минут. Когда он посветлеет и станет более прозрачным, добавьте морковку и продолжайте тушить массу, постоянно ее помешивая. Полученную зажарку высыпьте в кастрюлю с картофелем и сюда же опустите клецки. На свой вкус посолите и поперчите суп. В самом конце введите в него вареное мясо и мелко порубленный укроп. При желании последний можете заменить петрушкой. Накройте посуду крышкой и дайте блюду настояться. С таким супом трапеза гарантированно выйдет успешной, а ваши близкие останутся сыты и довольны. Мы специально приводим рецепт клецек в последнюю очередь, ведь их можно сделать заранее, допустим, за несколько часов до приготовления самого кушанья, или же быстро слепить, пока варится бульон. Здесь уже каждая хозяйка действует на свое усмотрение. Процедура замешивания теста очень простая: отделите желток от белка, последний уберите в холодильник. Сливочное масло слегка растопите, после соедините его с куриным желтком и тщательно разотрите ингредиенты при помощи обычной вилки. Теперь начинайте постепенно вводить в них теплое молоко. Периодически перемешивайте продукты, затем сюда же высыпьте просеянную муку. Поработайте венчиком и замесите эластичное, в меру упругое тесто. Внимание, оно не должно быть жидким, иначе вам просто не совладать с клёцками — они будут распадаться. Полученную массу посолите, затем в отдельной пиале взбейте заранее охлаждённый белок. Когда он увеличится в размере и станет похожим на густую, плотную пену, введите его в тесто. Осторожно перемешайте массу, поднимая ее венчиком снизу вверх. Некоторые хозяйки лепят клецки руками, но мы предлагаем воспользоваться другим способом: возьмите две ложки, смочите их в холодной воде. После в одну наберите немного теста и резким движением сбросьте его в кастрюлю с супом с помощью второго столового прибора. Учтите, что изделия во время варки увеличиваются в размере, поэтому не набирайте слишком много массы. После добавления клецек в суп варите блюдо еще около пяти минут, пока изделия не всплывут. Потом введите зелень, куриное мясо и дайте кушанью настояться. Надеемся, этот рецепт «пропишется» в вашей кулинарной книге на долгие годы.
Soup with dumplings on water
Whatever chicken soup recipe you come acrosshands, the principle of cooking the dish is the same in all cases. The main thing is to cook a fragrant broth, chop and fry the vegetables, put them in a bowl and at the very end add dumplings to the dish. The latter are made from semolina or flour. The previous recipe was based on milk, but this time we will mold the products from dough mixed with water. If you want the dish to be rich, satisfying and thick enough, add potatoes to it. Otherwise, limit yourself to just vegetables and dumplings, then the soup will be light and tender. Ingredients:
- one carrot
- half chicken breast (can also use fillet or ham)
- 100 grams of white onion
- ten to fifteen milliliters of olive oil or other vegetable oil
- salt
- leaves of dried laurel - if desired
- fresh greens - for decoration
- allspice
- egg
- 1/3 (or slightly less) a glass of flour (be sure to sift the product in advance)
- two to three grams of sea salt
- seven large cold water spoons
Method of preparation:The recipe for this soup is very simple, so it is ideal for young housewives who are just learning the basics of culinary art. Follow the instructions, cook with soul, and then your dish will be a success. We did not add potatoes to it, but if you want, you can take two or three small pieces of this vegetable. The dish will be thicker and more satisfying. Do not forget about the seasonings: a few peppercorns and bay leaf will give your creation an appetizing aroma and incredible taste. Now let's get down to business. Let's start with the simplest: carefully pluck and wash the chicken, put it in a saucepan with water. Lightly salt the liquid and put it on low heat. Wait until it boils, by the way, be sure to periodically remove excess foam from the broth. Note that poultry bought in the store is cooked from 20 minutes to half an hour, but domestic chicken - a little longer. Keep this in mind when deciding to try this recipe out. In order not to waste precious time, take care of the vegetables. Peel the onion and cut it into thin half rings. Chop the peeled carrots into medium cubes. Then put both ingredients in a preheated frying pan with oil, fry, stirring regularly, until they change color and become soft. On average, the procedure will take about four minutes. By this time, the chicken should already be cooked: take it out of the pan, separate the meat and disassemble it into thin fibers. Then return it to the pan, add the fried vegetables to the boiling broth, salt it, focusing solely on your taste. Leave the dish to cook for about ten more minutes so that it does not splash out of the pan, turn the heat to minimum. The very little remains - to mold the dumplings, for this you should knead the dough. If in the previous version we added milk to it, now we will change the recipe, which will allow us to save a little, and take water. Salt the liquid, then add an egg and mix vigorously with a whisk. Then sift the flour into a separate bowl and gradually, in small portions, pour it into the egg mixture. Work with a fork to get rid of lumps. In the end, you should have a sticky, moderately dense mass. If necessary, dilute it slightly with water. To put the dumplings in the broth, take one tablespoon, moisten it in water, then take 1/3 of the dough and use a second device to push it into the soup. After you are done, cook the dish for another five minutes. As soon as the products float to the surface, you can turn off the burner. Wait until the dish has cooled down enough, then pour it into portioned bowls and sprinkle with chopped herbs: dill, green onions or parsley. By the way, in some countries dumplings are even eaten as a separate dish. For example, in Belarus they are first boiled and then fried with onions and lard. The dish is served with strong alcoholic drinks.
Soup with chicken broth with celery, vegetables and dumplings
Even the most seemingly ordinary dish can bechange beyond recognition. The main thing, as they say, is the desire. Right now we suggest you evaluate another recipe - soup with chicken dumplings. Yes, you heard right. This time we will make the products themselves not from flour, but from poultry. You will see, the dish will turn out very appetizing. So carefully study the instructions and get to work. Remember, cooking is within everyone's power! Ingredients:
- 70 grams of sweet pepper (preferably Bulgarian)
- one chicken breast on a bone
- three liters of purified water
- 150 grams of root celery
- carrots - one piece
- five branches of fresh onion
- 100 grams of young cabbage (if desired, add a little more)
- two or three cloves of garlic
- Salt and ground pepper - at your discretion
- 20 grams of fresh or frozen dill
Method of preparation:Before you get down to business, remember a little advice. If you don’t want to mess around with the meat for a long time, separating it from the bones, buy ready-made fillet, then you will only have to cut it up. Chop the product with a knife or a special hammer, as a result, the chicken should turn into a mass. Combine it with an egg, add a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper. Thoroughly grind the ingredients with a fork, then add fresh chopped herbs to them. Knead the mince with your hands so that there is not a single lump left in it. By the way, if you used a homemade or store-bought whole chicken, then after cutting up, there will be bones and skin left. Put them in a saucepan and fill with water, turn the heat to medium power and bring to a boil. Periodically remove the foam. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, add salt and reduce the flame. Those who bought ready-made fillet can make soup with water or add pre-prepared meat broth to it. Now peel the washed and dried vegetables, chop the onion into medium cubes and finely grate the carrots. Cut the celery into small pieces and the cabbage into thin strips. Remove the core and seeds from the bell pepper and cut it into cubes. When you notice that the broth is ready, pour in the carrots, and after ten minutes - all the other vegetables. As you can see, we add them fresh, because then the dish turns out healthier (all the vitamins are preserved) and dietary. After all, frying products in oil adds extra calories and fat to the soup. A few more minutes, and you will be able to appreciate the result of your work. All that remains is to cook the dumplings, to do this, take a little dough in a spoon, then press it on top with a second cutlery to get a beautiful, smooth product. Put it in boiling water and form the rest of the dumplings in the same way. Cook them for ten to fifteen minutes, when they float, put them in a saucepan with soup. As you can see, we cooked the dough products in a separate dish, but if you want, you can add them directly to the dish. By the way, to prevent the mass from sticking to the spoons, wet them in ice water. Now chop the fresh onion and greens as finely as possible, remove the husk from the garlic and crush it with a press. Five minutes before the end of the cooking procedure, pour the ingredients into the soup. The first course, the recipes for which we have reviewed today, turns out to be very satisfying and at the same time light, especially if you make it with fresh vegetables, that is, without frying them in oil. There are many options for the dish: dumplings can be formed from dough mixed with semolina, flour and milk, or water. Some put only carrots and onions in the dish, others add celery, sweet peppers, boiled eggs, mushrooms: champignons, oyster mushrooms and others. The soup is served with bread, garlic pampushki, croutons. So, as you can see, the culinary art is quite extensive, there is always room for imagination. Therefore, develop with us, learning more and more new recipes.