Pea soup with pork is a great meal forany season, but this soup is most in demand in the autumn-winter period. With the onset of the cool season, soups generally go to "hurray," and even more so rich and nutritious, like pea soup on a meat broth. Vegetable and animal protein, combined in one dish, contributes to saturation, and taste this soup is excellent. We will offer you several options of pea soup, and you will choose the recipe that you find most successful.
Pea soup with pork ribs
- 500 grams of pork ribs
- 300 grams of peas
- 2 onions
- 2 carrots
- 3-4 potatoes
- 100 grams of smoked bacon
- salt, pepper, bay leaves
Cooking method: Peas thoroughly washed in several waters, pour cold water and leave for several hours. Wash meat, pour cold water, put a bulb in a saucepan, carrots, black pepper and fragrant (peas), put a couple of lavras and put on fire. When the water boils, reduce the temperature and cook until the meat is ready, periodically removing the formed foam. Meat, onions, carrots and spices to remove from the broth and to lower there the swollen peas. Cook until the peas become completely soft. Then put the peeled and sliced potatoes in a saucepan. Onions, carrots and brisket cut into cubes and fry until golden brown. Add all this in a pot of soup and boil for about 10 minutes. Salt to taste. Before serving, put a pair of ribs in each plate. The recipe is simple and affordable, and the soup is very hearty and tasty.
Pea soup with pork
- 500 grams of pork shank
- 300 grams of peas
- 150 grams of smoked bacon or brisket
- 1 onion
- 1 carrot
- 3-4 potatoes
- a tablespoon of vegetable oil
- white roots (celery, parsley, parsnip)
- salt, pepper, bay leaves
- parsley greens
Cooking method: Peas washed, pour cold water and leave for several hours for swelling. Rulka wash, pour water and put on a slow fire. When the meat is cooked, it should be removed and put into the pan soaked peas, which must first be thrown back on the sieve, so that the glass water. Continue cooking on low heat until the peas become soft. Chop onion and bacon cubes, carrots and roots grate. On vegetable oil lightly fry the bay leaves and peppercorns (black and fragrant), add the brisket, and then onions, carrots and roots. In a pot with peas, lower the peeled and diced potatoes and bring to a boil, and then add the roast. Salt to taste. Before serving, put a piece of meat in each plate and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. This is a classic recipe for pea soup with pork. Note. This recipe assumes the use of such a part of the pig carcass as a shank. The handle is adjacent to the knee joint, it is fleshy, juicy and gives a very good fat. For those who prefer strong, rich broths, such meat is perfect for preparing first courses. Both the first recipe and the second do not require special skills. Following them, you can always cook a delicious and satisfying pea soup. Bon Appetit! We advise you to read: