Causes of low hCG during pregnancy
There are certain norms for the content of hCG inblood of a pregnant woman. Since each woman's body is unique, these standards are quite flexible. However, if the hormone levels do not reach even the lower limit of acceptable values, this should be a cause for concern.Low level of hCG during pregnancy is determined by the analysis of blood from the vein. Photo: Getty The reasons for this may be the following:
- Ectopic pregnancy. With ectopic pregnancy, the embryo is fixed not in the uterus body, but outside it: in the tube, on the ovary or on the cervix. HCG in this case will grow, but since such a pregnancy does not have a chance to develop normally, the hormone will rise very slowly.
- Frozen pregnancy. If the embryo stopped developing and died, the body stops producing hCG. Analyzes can show not only the lack of growth of the hormone, but even its sharp drop.
- Risk of miscarriage. The growth of hCG is somewhat inhibited if there is a threat of miscarriage. A variety of causes can provoke a threat: infections, imbalance of the hormonal background, rhesus-conflict, bad habits, intense physical activity.
- Genetic disorders in the fetus. There are certain chromosomal pathologies in which the level of hCG is abnormally low - Edwards syndrome, triploidy. Of course, it is impossible to put a child such an analysis on the basis of only low hCG during pregnancy, without additional research.
Not only is the individual hCG index important,but also the dynamics of its development. Therefore, it makes sense to pass the tests twice to see how quickly the indicators increase. Probably, in some days the situation will straighten. Low HCG during pregnancy is an occasion to undergo additional studies, for example, ultrasound procedure. If the embryo is dead, it can be unmistakably determined. Ultrasound also significantly facilitates the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. If reduced hCG was detected at the first screening, assess indicators should be combined with other hormones. In case of serious suspicions of genetic pathology, the doctor may recommend a procedure for biopsy of the chorionic villi or placenta. This will give an accurate answer to the question of whether the child is healthy.