The question is whether it is possible to fly on an airplane induring pregnancy, will never lose its relevance. And this is not surprising - after all, the expectant mother is worried about the health of her not yet born, but already such a dear baby. It would seem, what is there to worry about? You can simply refuse to fly during pregnancy - and that's the end of it. However, not everything is so simple. Airplanes have become a very strong part of the life of a modern person, and there is not always an opportunity to refuse flights. But in order not to worry in vain, let's try to understand this difficult question together. But I would like to immediately make a reservation that it is unlikely that it will be possible to give an unambiguous answer to this question - even doctors cannot agree on whether flights are safe for expectant mothers. After all, the course of each pregnancy, however, as well as the characteristics of the body of the expectant mother, are very individual. And it is almost impossible to predict how the body will behave in a given situation.
Danger of flight during pregnancy
As mentioned above, even doctors cannotприйти к единому мнению по поводу того, можно ли летать на самолете в период беременности. Очень многое зависит от срока беременности. Так, наиболее часто выкидыши наблюдаются вскоре после полета беременной женщины именно на ранних сроках – в первый триместр беременности. Однако никакой прямой связи врачам найти не удается. Существуют гипотезы о том, что виновником несчастья становится не что иное, как перепад давления в салоне. Да и стрессовый фактор нельзя упускать из виду. В том случае, если будущая мама боится перелетов, каждый полет станет для нее нешуточным испытанием. А ведь тот факт, что стрессы пагубно влияют на нормальное течение беременности, ни для кого не секрет. И именно стресс может стать причиной самопроизвольного прерывания беременности на ранних сроках. В данной ситуации необходимо отказаться от полетов вовсе, либо предпринять необходимые меры предосторожности. Да и на больших сроках беременности существуют свои опасности. И вот как раз в данном случае именно перепады давления в салоне самолета и представляют особую угрозу для будущего малыша. Угроза эта возникает из-за того, что кроха находится в пузыре, наполненном околоплодной жидкостью. Соответственно, слишком сильные и резкие перепады давления могут привести к разрыву плодного пузыря. Ну а разрыв плодного пузыря, соответственно, приводит к началу преждевременных родов. Кроме того, не последнюю роль играет и воздух в салоне самолета – он достаточно сухой, да и содержание кислорода в нем оставляет желать лучшего. И в том случае, если перелет предстоит долгий, появляется риск развития гипоксии – кислородного голодания. А данное состояние представляет серьезную угрозу как для самого малыша, так и для мамы. Поэтому постарайтесь избегать длительных перелетов – лучше отдайте предпочтение рейсам с пересадками. Хотя, разумеется, в пересадках также есть масса своих недостатков. Кроме того, сухой воздух неизбежно приводит к быстрой потере организмом жидкости. Как вы понимаете, данное явление может очень быстро привести к развитию обезвоживания, которое представляет серьезную угрозу для нормального течения беременности. Поэтому обязательно учтите этот момент – выпивайте не менее половины литра чистой негазированной воды в течение часа. Это устранит риск развития обезвоживания организма. Вместо воды можно пить несладкие соки – как правило, они подаются практически во всех самолетах. Кстати говоря, в салон самолета с собой можно взять очень маленькое количество жидкости – поэтому не стесняйтесь просить стюардессу. Варикозное расширение вен и геморрой — это также весьма часто встречающиеся спутники беременности. А перелет может в разы повысить как риск первоначального развития этих болезней, так и ухудшение течения заболеваний, если они уже есть у будущей мамы. А происходит это по причине все тех же перепадов давления. Да и длительное вынужденное нахождение в одной позе также дает о себе знать. Наверняка, каждая женщина помнит, как во время беременности хочется постоянно сменять позу – то сесть, то лечь, то перевернуться с боку на бок. А в самолете ваши возможности будут очень сильно ограничены. Соответственно, возникает риск нарушения кровоснабжения. А это нарушение может привести сразу к нескольким осложнениям – как к гипоксии плода, так и к ухудшению состояния сосудов. Кроме того, существует определенный риск и для плаценты – очень редко, но все же порой перепады давления могут послужить причиной для отслоения плаценты. А подобное явление крайне опасно и требует немедленного хирургического вмешательства, чтобы избежать гибели плода. Да и матери – ведь открывается сильнейшее кровотечение. А в самолете вам этой помощи оказать никто не сможет.
Precautions during the flight
If you have considered all the options and realized that there is no way to cancel the flight, try to minimize all risks. To do this, you will need to take a number of precautions.
- Clothes of a pregnant woman
It is very important to think carefully about your wardrobe -On the road, you should give up beauty in favor of comfort. After all, during a flight, which can last a very long time, the expectant mother should feel very comfortable. Experienced mothers advise wearing loose trousers or special overalls for pregnant women on the plane. And in the summer, the ideal option for clothes on the plane is a loose dress - it will not restrict the movements of the expectant mother, and the body will "breathe". Pay attention to shoes - they should also be as comfortable as possible. Feet should not be squeezed under any circumstances. No shoes with heels, shoes made of artificial materials are allowed, so that the foot does not sweat. In extreme cases, you can take slippers with you on the plane. Do not be shy and look around at others - it is unlikely that anyone will judge you, seeing your interesting situation.
- Pillow
Be sure to bring a small one with you.a pillow that will help you avoid overstraining your lower back and neck. Such pillows can be found both in regular bedding stores and in the orthopedic departments of pharmacies. Moreover, almost all airport stores can offer you something similar.
- Places in the plane
Try to buy seats on the plane,located close to the aisle - doctors recommend getting up every 30 minutes and just walking around for about 3 minutes. Of course, only when passengers are not required to take their seats. By the way, aisle seats are also good because the expectant mother can quickly get to the toilet - which is very, very important.
- Protection from stress
As mentioned above, there is a considerable threat toThe health of a pregnant woman is stress experienced by those expectant mothers who are afraid of flying. Therefore, it is worth taking care of sedatives. But in no case should you buy the medicine yourself, simply on the advice of friends or advertising. Firstly, you need to find out in advance what kind of medicines you can take with you on board the plane of the airline whose services you decide to use. After all, these requirements are different in all companies - it will be unpleasant to encounter this problem at the airport. And secondly, sedatives, like any other medicines, should be selected only by the attending physician, who knows all the individual characteristics of the body and the course of pregnancy. Otherwise, there is a high risk of harm to both the baby and the expectant mother herself.
- Swaying
Even the strong and healthy often get motion sickness on a plane.healthy men. What can we say about a fragile future mother? Therefore, it is necessary to think about this issue in advance. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind are various drugs designed to eliminate the symptoms of the so-called seasickness. However, as you know, the expectant mother should minimize the use of any medications. Therefore, you need to try to get by with improvised means. It is generally accepted that a person gets seasick most on an empty stomach. Partly, there is some truth in this, and quite a lot - before the flight, you really need to have a little snack. However, it is a snack, but not a hearty meal! If your stomach is overfull, you will feel even worse. So eat, but in moderation! Do not forget about good old mint caramel. It will help relieve bouts of nausea and prevent vomiting. Throwing a few caramels into your purse will not be difficult at all, and they will serve you well. But if you suddenly forgot about the caramel, ask the flight attendant - they will probably have it. And put a small plastic bag in your purse - you never know?
Visit doctor
Another very important stage of preparation for the flight– this is a visit to your gynecologist. You will not be able to do without it in any way. If only because in order to purchase plane tickets and for subsequent boarding you will need a medical certificate. This can only be issued by a gynecologist monitoring the course of the pregnancy. Moreover, the doctor must issue you this certificate no earlier than a week before the expected date of the flight. You cannot rely on chance and hope to do without this certificate. You simply will not be allowed on the plane. It is unlikely that any airline will want to take on such responsibility. The certificate must indicate the period of your pregnancy, a conclusion on your health condition and permission to fly. Of course, in the early stages of pregnancy no one will require any certificate from you, because either there is no belly at all yet, or it can be easily hidden under loose clothing. But you remember that in the early stages of pregnancy, a flight can lead to the threat of miscarriage? This is why it is so necessary for a pregnant woman to be examined by a doctor before the flight. If the doctor is concerned about something in the health of the expectant mother, he will take the necessary measures and give the mother recommendations that will reduce all possible risks.
Strict ban on flights
There is a certain group of expectant mothers,which are strictly forbidden to fly at all - and no circumstances can be sufficiently respectful. So: Miscarriages and premature births in the anamnesis. In the event that at least one of the previous pregnancies ended in a spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth, do not allow any flights under any circumstances. Moreover, this also applies to cases of frozen pregnancies. And it does not matter at all what exactly caused the development of such a tragedy - flying is categorically not recommended.
- Cardiovascular diseases
In the event that a woman suffers from seriouscardiovascular diseases - bronchial asthma, heart defects, hypertension - flights during pregnancy will also become too big a risk. And even if the disease is not in the acute stage.
- Diseases of the central nervous system
Any severe diseases of the central nervous systemsystems in themselves are a contraindication to flying. And even more so at a time when a woman is expecting a baby - even more so. After all, she is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the health and life of her baby.
- Thrombophlebitis
If the expectant mother has thrombophlebitis,she is strictly contraindicated to fly. Otherwise, very serious complications may develop, including a blood clot. This condition poses a serious threat not only to health, but also to the life of the mother and child. As you can see, we were unable to find a clear answer to the question of whether a pregnant woman can fly on an airplane. But now you know for sure that some risks do exist. And, no less importantly, you know how to reduce all possible risks to a minimum. After all, as you know, there is no smoke without fire. We recommend reading: