Pregnancy management

Pregnancy managementPhoto:archive "Antennas - Telesem"From the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman faces an important question - which doctor and which clinic to contact? Today, many good private and public medical institutions offer their services, where you will be monitored by experienced specialists. At the initial appointment, a gynecologist will examine you, do an ultrasound and start an outpatient card. You will also need to undergo simple laboratory tests, such as a general blood test, urine test, blood test for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis, Rh factor, blood type, biochemical blood test, smear for flora. The initial appointment will cost 3,500 rubles (here and below, prices are Moscow prices). After the initial examination, you can proceed to the conclusion of the contract. The contract for pregnancy management comes into force approximately from the 6th-8th week, when the ultrasound will record the baby's heartbeat. Your doctor will draw up an individual pregnancy management program. It will include a comprehensive examination, regular consultations with an obstetrician-gynecologist, screenings and other necessary procedures and examinations. You will be consulted by specialists - a geneticist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, ENT, psychologist and dentist. If necessary - a nephrologist, cardiologist, psychotherapist. The cost of a contract for pregnancy management, of course, depends on the medical institution you choose. On average, you should expect an amount from 45,000 to 95,000 rubles if you begin monitoring from the 8th week of pregnancy. If you sign a contract with a clinic from the II or III trimester, the cost of services will be from 40,000 and from 34,000 rubles, respectively. Read more:

