Babies' ears are cleaned with special cotton swabs.sticks with limitersPhoto: Getty The inside of children's ears does not need frequent treatment, it is enough to remove wax from their outer surface 1-2 times a week. With daily removal, wax begins to be produced more actively, the more often you treat your child's ears, the more secretion is formed in them. If you find that your baby has a lot of wax in his ears, you do not need to worry. This phenomenon is considered normal. But there are a number of symptoms that require urgent medical attention:
- The unnatural color of sulfur;
- unpleasant odor from the child's ears;
- copious purulent discharge;
- the appearance of inclusions in the earwax.
These could be signs of developinginflammatory processes that require timely treatment. The skin behind the baby's ears needs daily treatment; it should be wiped with a cotton swab soaked in clean water. After drying, apply a softening baby cream.
How to treat ears in infants
Special tools are used to clean children's ears.Cotton swabs with stoppers that allow you to remove wax from the outer surface of the ear canal. They prevent injury. Insert the swab into the ear up to the stopper and turn clockwise. To completely remove the wax, you can slightly moisten the cotton swab with water. It is unacceptable to use oils and creams to treat children's ears. These products can get deep into the ear canal and cause inflammation. How to clean a baby's ears with cotton wool? Roll a thin flagellum from the cotton wool and, without pushing it all the way into the external auditory canal, carefully remove the accumulated wax. There is no need to remove the secretion located deep in the ear. Deep cleaning can provoke the formation of a sulfur plug. It is recommended to treat the ears after bathing, so the wax is easier to clean out. When caring for a newborn and an infant, remember that you must act carefully. Any sudden movement can frighten the baby and discourage him from carrying out hygiene procedures. It is also useful to know: