"Which school will you go to?""- Sergely asked me one of the mothers in the locker room kindergarten. From the surprise I hiccup. At the time of this question, my son was barely five years old. "I did not even think about it," I admitted. My answer surprised me. And she enthusiastically began to list already selected options. I listened half-heartedly and politely nodded, not going to hammer my head with anything similar for at least a year. But in vain.how to choose a school for a childA photo: GettyImagesInside this issue had to deal with last fall. Frankly, at first I did not bother at all. The system of "attribution" of addresses to certain schools - in St. Petersburg such introduced a few years ago - suited me absolutely. No night fires under the windows of schools, no multi-kilometer queues and roll calls. Without a seat at the desk they will not leave you, and thank God. Fortunately, the entrance to the nearest temple of science is three steps from my front door. Ideally! My staunchness was shaken after I talked to my neighbor. Her eldest son in September became a first-grader of this school. And two years later, if they do not move, she will have to give two more twin boys here. "She had already fourteen times in two months gone into a renno," the mother of many children told me. - Please transfer the child somewhere. Refuse, they say, there are no places. And I've never seen such lawlessness before. And theft, and extortion. Knowledge is weak. And the contingent is not the most pleasant - two ordinary first classes and two correctional ones, for the mentally retarded. Of course, I'm not against inclusion, but ... "At that moment, I got nervous. I really do not need such happiness.

To get to the best

I decided to discuss the matter with my friends,whose children are our peers. And I realized that, first of all, I was hopelessly behind the situation. Secondly, mummies like how, while advocating for quality education, are satisfied first of all with their own ambitions. And, thirdly, not a single system will stand before the parental pressure. Need a residence permit? So, it will be! "She chose the physics and mathematics school. The best in the area. The director at the meeting immediately said that she could not take everyone. Well, I had to buy a registration and use connections. "This is my friend Katka. Her son Sasha still does not have any obvious propensities to exact sciences, and, in principle, to study. He would run the ball and watch the cartoons. But Mom had already decided everything for him. The question is whether he will pull out complicated physics in high school, she left unanswered: "We go to either Spanish or Italian. Without languages, nowhere. The next year they made a residence permit with friends to go to school, that's enough. We go there for the preparatory courses. It is difficult to study there, of course. "This is my other neighbor, Julia. She gives her twins to the first class. True, honestly admitted, I'm not sure that girls will pull the load. Moreover, there are many who want to get there and the classes are too big: 30-35 people each. Yes, now it is possible, in 2016, SanPiN excluded the norm, according to which there should be no more than 25 students in the class.how to choose a school for a childA photo: GettyImages "Well, a tutor, if that, we'll take it," sighed Julia. Rehearser, Karl! First-graders who simply need to master the school curriculum. "We give the kid to the cadet class. Let him grow a man. " This is Pope Cyril. His son is the most delicate dandelion boy, from whom his father decided to raise a real man. If, of course, he does not break his psyche before. Mom grabs her head, but does not go against her husband's words. "And we're going to a private school. Expensive, of course, 25 thousand a month. But there's a personality at the head of the corner, not an assessment. They do not even put them, they work according to the system of credits. European education. And the classes are small ". Here I really wanted to go to this school. She began to ask the mother of our classmate for details. It turned out that "personality" - this is fine, but it is not always possible to pass the obligatory program there. And education there is extremely basic. And the classes are small - there are 10 people, and sometimes only 2. I imagined how this "personality" will come after such careful treatment in the mass fifth grade of the regular school, and I felt sick. No, thank you, this does not suit us.

Children do not care

Maybe I do not understand something? With this question it was necessary to go to the kindergarten psychologist. Like, is not I a bad mom, if I'm not trying right now to shove a child into a profile school? Perhaps it is already necessary to climb out of the skin to get into some kind of humanitarian lycee? "It is almost impossible to guess which sciences the student will gravitate to," the expert reassured me. - In my practice, a lot of examples, when a beautifully drawing classroom child in the seventh throws painting and is fond of mathematics. Or, on the contrary, a sports fan suddenly starts writing good poems and stories. In elementary schools, it is pointless to talk about any career guidance. "It is enough if the chosen school is simply good. And if she has a profile or not, the first class does not care. It is clear that parents choose lyceums and gymnasiums in the hope that there will be better conditions there, but they do not take into account that modern children have so many additional loads that an intensified program can just do them harm.how to choose a school for a childPhoto: GettyImagesP. S. Everything is logical. But I do not want to go to school at home anyway. Even on a simply good she, with all my respect for her teachers, does not pull. The question was solved quickly: they registered in her husband's old apartment. To her is attributed also the very simple school. But her parents say very warmly about her, they say: there they support in children the desire to learn. That's it, we filed the documents. Because, from my point of view, at school this is important. And the profile will be attached.

